Where do you look for inspiration?
The Webster's online definition of Inspiration is:A divine influence or action on a person believed to qualify him or her to receive and communicate sacred revelation: the action or power of moving the intellect or emotions: the act of influencing or suggesting opinions.
If you think about it, the world would be in a very different place if people did not become inspired by something or someone. From the greats to the average Joe-the-Plumber (I had to give a shout out), in my opinion, inspiration makes the world go round.
Just to name a few...
So then I ask you, have you ever inspired anyone? Do you look for inspiration? If your answer is yes, then you believe yourself to be a credible source that has the "power to move someone's intellect or emotions." That is a huge concept, my friends. Find what inspires you and take that inspiration to the next level. Internalize it. Nothing ventured - nothing gained. After all, the greats were all Joe-the-Plumbers at some point in their lives.
(Yes, a political satire was used in this blog, but at least you get my point!)
"Human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outter aspects of their lives."
~ William James