Internationally known Author and Pet Psychic, Karen Anderson, connects you with your animal companions both living or deceased. Karen's vivid messages and insights will provide answers to your questions about behavior problems, health concerns, even end of life issues.
A session with Karen may bring messages from human loved ones on the 'Other Side' as Karen is also a medium.
What messages are waiting for you?
Karen's first book, " Hear All Creatures, The Journey of an Animal Communicator " has received 5 star reviews on Amazon and other retailers. Find out how an unexpected message from a little white dove named Noah changed the course of Karen's life.
Who is stopping you from reaching your goals?
What is preventing you from striving for your dreams?
Karen talks openly about how she almost gave up communicating with the animals because of the cruel and hurtful comments her family and friends were saying.
We all have guides and helpers that assist us on our journey through this lifetime. Karen got her message from a dove....who is trying to get a message through to you?
You never know who may come through during a session.
From Colorado Deputy Sheriff to Pet Psychic, Karen shares her journey from understanding what the messages mean, like 'meatballs' to finding lost animals and even reuniting her clients with their deceased loved ones.
You will laugh and you will cry as you read the touching and heartwarming excerpts from Karen's early discussions with the animals.
~Find out what our animals really know about us
~How do animals view death and dying?
~Do our animals know about our health issues?
~Do animals have a sense of humor?
Find out these answers and more in this wonderful book that any animal lover will adore.
Order from Amazon here:
To schedule an appointment with Karen simply log onto the online scheduler to set your appointment ( Create a log on ID and password for security purposes)
Want to Learn How To Communicate With Animals?
Learn from the expert herself as Karen shares her secrets of connecting to the animals in 2 hour Teleclass for $29.95.
To register or more info click here
All of us have the ability to connect with the animals. Find out how simple the steps are.
2 hour Teleclass
"Intro To Animal Communicating"
$29.95 per person
Adults 18 & over
Animals have taught me more about life and living...more about death and dying than any other human. Their intelligence, wisdom and capacity to love and forgive is something I still strive to match.
In their presence, I have been graced with incredible insight to life on this planet.
The animals are my teachers and we have much to learn.
Visit Karen's website and blog for insider information on what goes on during a session.
Read actual excerpts from private sessions (names changed for privacy) as deceased loved ones come through with hugs, messages of love and inspiration.