Main Areas:Animal/Interspecies Communication: Deceased Animals/Grief issues/Behavior issues/Lost Animals Career Focus:Consultations/Workshops/Lectures When I was a kid I was in love with all the animals I could see. There was never an animal I did not like. I would walk around singing the refrain from Dr. Doolittle all the time: "If we could talk with the animals, walk with the animals, grunt, squeak and squawk with the animals, and they could talk with us!" What a wonderful world that would be.
But of course as I grew and matured and put away the things of childhood, the thought of really talking with animals was put away too. I began my career in people management, with a faithful cat or dog always at my side. They were my "pets", my friends, keeping me company on the road of life. Until the day that Megan came into my life.
My brother's dog was having puppies and as I sat and watched them being born suddenly I knew: "that one is mine!" I told my brother. "That one" was Megan, my canine soulmate. And she led me to the desire to learn again how to communicate with animals.
I first trained at a workshop with Jeri Ryan, founder of the Assisi International Animal Institute. This was an awakening for me and it is a deeply spiritual experience to converse with our animal friends. I have since attended a retreat with Penelope Smith.
I have a degree in Sociology and spent over 30 years in people management. I was a “professional pack leader”.
Animal-Interspecies Communication is my love and my spirituality. As a follower of St Francis, it is my goal to be of service to our animal brethren and through them to you, their people. Helping people to understand their companion animals will enhance the quality of that relationship. You will find out what matters to your animal friends and why you have been drawn together in this life.
If your animal is upset, suffering or scared you will want to know and I can help you do that. Some interspecies communicators specialize in healing, finding lost animals, behavior issues etc.
Solve behavior problems.
Improve the quality of your animal-human bond
Deepen your relationship with your animal friend
Help you help your animal when it is time for her/him to leave this life, and help you with your grief process.
Find lost animals.
Solve wild animal “pest” issues without harming the animal/insect etc.
I am not a veterinarian and I cannot diagnose illness nor heal your animal. At times however an animal will tell me of symptoms or something that they are experiencing that has not been noticeable to you.
I also sell custom pet items such as christmas ornaments with your pets picture on it/bookmarks/keychains/clothing. I also sell discounted pet supplies and supplies for groomers/handlers/breeders
Favorite Quotes & Thoughts from Joni Wamer
Once upon a time, the creative force of love hovered over the chaos of the universe and said, “Let there be life”. And the universe shuttered and heaved, rocked and rolled and Life was born. Life came in many forms and many varieties, but all life was intelligent, beautiful and good. Life took up space in the universe and all Life lived in unison with each other, the four legged, the two legged, those who could fly, those who slithered across the land, from humanoid to insectoid, all Life was in communion. All of Life could speak with each other in the spirit, from the heart. There was no hierarchy of Life. All was one and all was good.Then something entered the heart of the humanoid and he began to feel he was above the other forms of life. Since he walked on two legs and since his intellectual and creative processes seemed to him to be different from other Life, he saw it as better and claimed dominion over all he could see. Then the Creative Force of Love said “Oh no. This is not good. This is not as I had hoped. Now Life will be divided and no longer in communion. Now many forms and varieties of Life will not be able to commune freely with the humanoid form. But there will always be some humans who remember….who attempt to re-member the union of all Life. Hopefully these will grow in number and teach those who have forgotten. And their number will continue to grow and I will be with them, until all of Life re-members and we have communion again.”
This is my Genesis, my story of creation, the Garden of Eden, the Fall from Grace, the Tower of Babel and the origin of our separation from the rest of creation. This is why for so long so few could “talk with the animals”. But it seems that we are now in a time of re-membering. We have a chance to bring the communion of Life back into being for all. We also have the chance to destroy it all forever. That is our choice in this time. I for one will choose Life and have been blessed over the last 15 years with a chance to re-member how to hear our fellow beings on this earth through what is usually called “Animal Communication” or “Interspecies Communication”. There have always been those who remained open and could hear the animal/insect world. Who could hear the trees and grasses sing. There have always been the stories and spirituality of so many indigenous peoples all over the globe of communion with the animal spirits and family, of the unity of Life. And within the “major” religions of the world, there have always been those same beliefs, even if they are pushed to the edges of those religions/spiritualities. Buddha forbade his followers to cause any harm to other life forms, forbade them to eat animals or cause them suffering in any way. Jesus proclaimed “the rocks and stones themselves will start to sing.” Within my own Judeo-Christian tradition we find Francis of Assisi communion telepathically with the animals and discussing spirituality and preaching to them. Teihard de Charden, a major Catholic theologian, wrote often of the communion of all life and the sacredness of what humans considered “profane”. He believed that animate and inanimate things all had souls, all had spirits, all were a part of the communion if we would only re-member it.