To All Bipolar People Seeking Recovery,
If you are sick and tired of being “sick” and “tired” then you will want to continue reading my bio. I wish I had come across something or someone like this in my search on the internet a few years ago. I was searching for the hope and possibility of a better, brighter, happier future for myself and my family. I was looking for a mentor, someone with Bipolar who could show me a way to break out of the cycle of prescription meds, side effects and job loss after job loss. I was searching for the “someone” I myself have become today.
Now, after three years of trial and error, successes and failures, ups and downs, I present you with my knowledge. I offer you a vision of hope. There can be a different way. You can really LIVE with Bipolar Disorder and enjoy life and all it has to offer, big and small.
My name is Jeana Wheeler and I have Bipolar Disorder. I was diagnosed at the age of 19, I'm now 41, and I have never felt better in my life. I have never felt more stable and more secure with my future than I do right now as I write this. It is a good day my friend and I want the same for you. I want you to know what it is like to want to get up in the morning. And when I say “get up” in the morning I mean after a really good night of sleep, sound restful sleep. I want you to know what it is like to not live in fear of triggering an “episode”. I want you to know what it is like to feel like you have control over your moods instead of them having control over you. I want you to know what it is like to want a future, your future, a good future, a less painful future. I want to share with you what has worked for me and might possibly work for you.
In 2003 I came to terms with and researched tirelessly my disease. I realized for the first time that I was bipolar and that it was here to stay. I didn't have bipolar like a cold that was going to go away someday and I needed to really embrace this part of myself. I had to stop pushing it away and running from it. A huge journey of self discovery started and continues to this very day.
But It Didn’t Start Out This Way . . .
I had suffered for many years tyring to get the right “cocktail” of prescription meds as I am sure many of you reading this have. It is not fun, the long days and nights of unstable, unbearable moods and feelings. Family and friends not knowing what to “do” with you and you not knowing what to do with yourself. Well my Friend, I have been there just as you have but now I have also seen the other side. The side of life I did not know existed.
All of my life up until very recently I have been "unstable", and very very moody. I went in to the hospital in 2004 during a very depressive episode that followed my most manic episode ever. At this time I was given a totally new "cocktail" of meds that actually began to work. I was becoming more stable, less depressed, less anxious, and not as manic. Believe me, I was still up and down and every which way but not as extreme. I have a dual diagnosis which can lead to rapic cycling and or mixed states and I do have both.
In 2008 I found my dream career. I had come to the realization that I would not ever be able to work a "normal" job and I sought something to do from home. I found Shaklee, a global health and wellness company. They are the number one natural nutrition company in the US but that is not what attracted me to them. It was their "green" factor. I had never taken vitamins or been concerned much with nutrtion but this is where my life, my bipolar really took the most dramatic turn ever! I call it my Bipolar Recovery. Once I started my Shaklee business I began using the nutrtional products because that is what you do when you work for yourself. You use your own products, you buy from your own store.
This has made such a HUGE impact on my life I can't stress this enough. My anxiety is down to almost nothing, I sleep at night all night, I am stable with my moods. Yes I still cycle and have ups and downs but I can function on a daily basis, work my business, interact socially. This is the first time ever in my life I have had this length and this degree of stability.
There are two main products that I take daily that have helped me more than any prescription med ever has and their are no side effects other than feeling good!
"The Best Way To Predict Your Future Is To Create It" Dr. Forrest C. Shaklee
The best way to get started with me is to contact me personally by
phone or email.
You can contact me by phone: 503.888.2393
or email me at: