There is a scene in the film ‘The Chicken Run’ where Ginger, our hero, returns from solitary confinement after her umpteenth escape failure. Another chicken tentatively suggests that, since the chances of them breaking out of the chicken farm are evidently ‘a million to one against’, perhaps Ginger should consider giving up on her dream.
A demoralised Ginger pauses to reflect for a moment and then quietly but resolutely, replies: ‘Then there’s still a chance!’ What a girl! At times, my experience of trying to bring more realism to modern day sex information has felt a little like the prospect of escaping from a concentration camp: so impossible that it has seemed futile even to try.
I would like my daughters to have the experience of orgasm but I do not want them to be duped by all the claims of easy orgasm during sex with a partner. My daughters’ generation should have more facts about how women can get the most out of sex. Sex remains a highly personal and embarrassing topic for most people. I hope that my efforts will save other couples some of the difficulties we have had in making sense of our sexual relationship.
If you are in a long-term relationship and still having sex at all after ten to twenty years then you are probably unusual. If you have moved beyond missionary style intercourse and can discuss fantasy and more general pleasuring as a couple then you are almost certainly exceptional. For those who are willing to invest in the quality of their relationship, couples now have the relative luxury of being able to aspire to both partners’ life goals of enjoying family life and an active sex life.
Please take a look at my websites: and Ways Women Orgasmaims to inform and reassure women of all ages: both the site content and pictures are completely clean. is interested in promoting approaches to family life that allow us to raise children while remaining sane.
Jane Thomas is unique as a modern sex writer because she talks openly and honestly about her own sexual experiences with the aim of reassuring other women.
“Biologically and hormonally, men are much more driven to be sexual than women are.” (p86 Mars & Venus in the Bedroom 1995)
“ … not to have an orgasm from intercourse is the experience of the majority of women” (p35 The Hite Reports 1993)
“Read all the sex surveys you want but you still won’t really know what other people do in bed because what people say and what people do are two totally different things.” (p275 Hot sex 1998)
Please take a look at my websites:
Ways Women Orgasmaims to inform and reassure women of all ages: both the site content and pictures are completely clean. The discussion is based on honesty not sexual ego and covers: sex drive, the role of fantasy and why orgasm from masturbation may always be different to orgasm from penetration.
Originally, foreplay was suggested as a solution to the inadequate clitoral stimulation provided by intercourse. Unfortunately, not only do women need clitoral stimulation to continue up to the point of orgasm but also, due to the sensitivity of the clitoris, it can be difficult for a man to provide the right kind of stimulation.
So when women ask about lack of orgasm today, experts suggest that they masturbate during sex. In fact, little is known about how successful women are with this approach in practice. To help improve our understanding, invites women to share how they achieve arousal and orgasm with a partner.
Nosper.comis interested in promoting approaches to family life that allow us to raise children while remaining sane. The site welcomes suggestions for how adults of both sexes can continue doing their own thing and having fun together while, at the same time, being there for their kids.