My name is Irit Gezler, I am married with 2 daughters, 28 and 26 years old.
I have a B.A. in behavioral science, an expert degree in Reflexology, Reiki healing, Web of Lights healing, and some other energetic methods for healing and channeling. For the last few years, I have been taking courses and practicing coaching.
For 25 years I have been taking an active interest in the new-age/spiritual/self-development fields, taking courses in many disciplines. For example, and addition to those mentioned above: Silva Mind Control, Numerology, Introduction to Kabala, Tarot reading, Myths of ancient Egypt, Assyrian myth, Witchcraft, Introduction to shamanism, Several kinds of Meditation techniques, The Mercaba, creative writing, Woman's leadership, femininity and Remote Viewing + Remote Influencing.
As I see it, my gift is my ability to "see behind the scenes" and to " read between the lines".I have developed my own technique, 'The Mirror Techniqe ', as a tool for personal development and awakening awareness as 'Do it yourself' method.
Along with my spiritual journey and mentoring others, I have always lived a "regular- grounded" life with a "day job". My last job (until June 2007) was an import/export manager in a commercial company for 6 years.
This "regular" part of my life gave me the opportunity to experience "normal life" encounters, with their challenges, crises, losses, opportunities, routine, responsibility, stress, difficulties and "work-relationships". I can feel empathy with my trainees, since we share similar experiences.
Life conflicts are actually my best teachers and mentors for my own growth and my ability to be a mentor to others. And, of course, 27 years of successful marriage and being a Mom.
The Diamond coaching System is my basic tool for creating one's desired life.
It is based on the Law of Attraction. Click on the link to see the diamond model.
"The world is not a Court Room. The world is a playground.
Life is not about you being a judge or being judged but about experiencing." - Irit Gezler.
Criticism and judgment are one of our modern world's mind-diseases. Criticism is not something we do. It is a way of life. It is actually our second name.
Let me explain: When you criticize, you take the stand of a judge, take the higher position and watch people from a distance, thinking "I know better," or "I am smarter". Your mind is tuned to look for mistakes, failures, to give your assessment for what is wrong, to give scores…
This is the way we were brought up – being judged or judging others. It is our auto reaction, our thinking pattern that sets our prism and narrows our perspective. That's why we miss all the fun!
When your mind is tuned to the critic channel you are an observer, not player. You do not bring yourself into the situation even if you are physically there. You are not experiencing…
If you want to fully experience life you must do get-down to the field and play.
Remember, your worse critic is you. Critic mind does not discriminate. You not only judge yourself severely, but you are also sure that every body else does so.
What do you have to do? Just be aware of your criticism in real time, and stop it one at a time.
In time, this process will re-program your mind for acceptance rather than criticism.
It is your choice to free yourself from your self-importance, get-off the bench, participate, experience and feel...
You are most welcome to visit my website and start practicing the "Coach Yourself" system. For any assistance send me an E-mail to with your question and I'll be glad to answer.