Recovery & Juggling a bipolar life book Author Christine Schloder has been very successful in helping to change the lives of thousands of people with her unique programs. Her programsprovide knowledge and empowerment to fellow consumers and providers. Christine published her book in February, 2006 titled Juggling your Bipolar Life Her book has sold more than 10,000 copies since its release and has been utilized to promote wellness and recovery to consumers and providers. In addition to being an author, Christine is also amotivational speaker, Certified Peer Support Specialist, a Juggler, Ventriloquist, Puppeteer and Self-Help Program Writer. Being diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder herself,she incorporates her years of experience and talents into her presentation. One is teaching that recovery is possible! Her story of recovery is an amazing one and it is a story that is still being written.Whether you are a provider, or a person with a diagnosis of mental illness, or a friend or family member, this presentation will have you thinking about all the positive possibilities that can help move recovery forward. She emphasizes that recovery is remembering who you are and using your strengths to become all you were meant to be. She utilizes everyday as an opportunity to make changes to better her life. Learn how Christine got her life back as she found ways to get some control back in her life. She will talk about the most current treatment methods to gain control of the ups and downs thus making the manic and depressed episode less frequent and severe. With this new information you can use this to help someone or a person could use it to take control of their lives & or illness. Christine will take a look at both sides of an illness from the provider side to the consumer side. How can you help someone stay on the road of recovery?She will talk about changes and choices, working together, eliminating stigma, and building a support system for all involved. Working as a team will help make the mental health system a consumer friendly one. Make thinking positive a habit of yours and it will add extraordinary power to fighting your illnessand looking ahead and seeing your self become the person you truly want to become . October 2007 –work at the COPE Drop In Center Ridgway PA 15827 April 2007 –current Motivational speaker (Behavioral Health / Bipolar self-help programs )Write and present self-help programs Juggling Your Bipolar Life Recovery Presentation Step- by-step instructions on how to use & make a symptom chart booklet.Thinking positive & building Self-Esteem.Staying on the road to recovery.Staying alive by making a suicide prevention plan, April, 2006- current Sit on the Board of the Anti-Stigma Education Group through Western Region CSP in Butler, PA as well as a member of Local CSP of Elk/Cameron Counties. Feb. 2006: Published a self help book titled “Juggling your Bipolar Life, New successful Ways of Treating and Dealing with Bipolar Disorder”. 2005- current Enrolled in Bipolar Study held by WPIC, under the direction of Catherine A. Kalas. 2004- 2007 Participation in “Bipolar Study” through UPMC, under the direction of Dr. Scott Turkin, DuBois Behavioral Health Center, DuBois, PA. 1997- Wrote and Produced children’s video titled “What about Self Esteem and Setting Goals”, sold throughout the USA, teaching life skills to help children grow into successful adults. Video was produced under the S.H.E.P. Program. 1995- Founder of S.H.E.P.Programs, (Self Help Educational Prevention Education Programs). Program was established to teach and promote skill to target school, teen clubs, church groups. Examples include self esteem, teen dating danger, “Hands are no for Hitting”. 1994-1995 -Work Experience as a domestic Violence counselor, child advocate, sexual assault counselor, prevention Ed coordinator at CAPSEA, Citizens against Physical, Sexual and Emotional Abuse. 1992 Entertainment Advisor in founding the start of the annual Hometown Festival in St, Marys PA. 1982-current Professional Juggler/Entertainer. Featured in the 1992 Summer Issue of “Juggler’s World”, using puppets and ventriloquism as a means of entertaining and teaching lessons to youth.
Author Christine Schloder has been very successful in helping to change the lives of thousands of people with her unique programs. She incorporates her talents of juggling and ventriloquism during her presentation to help give people the knowledge and educate they can use to take control of their lives & or illness.
Self- Help Educational Prevention-Ed Programs
Providing self-help educational services since 1995
The SHEP Programs were developed by Christine schloder Stefano Abrahamson, who has experience as a domestic-violence counselor, child advocate, sexual-assault counselor, and prevention-ed coordinator. Christine wrote and presented many of her programs in schools throughout the USA. She also starred in a children's video called "What About Self-Esteem and Setting Goals?" She is the Author of Juggling your bipolar life book, Christine has been a professional juggler, puppeteer, and ventriloquist since 1982.
A. Juggling Your Bipolar Life Recovery Presentation Step- by-step instructions on how to use & make your own symptom chart booklet.
B. Juggling Your Bipolar Life Recovery Presentation speech C. Learn how to change the way you think about things. Thinking positive & building Self-Esteem. D. Staying on the road to recovery. E. Living with Bipolar Disorder. F. Staying alive by making a suicide prevention plan G. 45 minute Juggling Show
Christine (Schloder) Abrahamson 31 Hoover St. Byrnedale, PA 15827 ( 814) 594-2599 e- mail
Author. Speaker Consultants, & Juggler