Dr. Christine Ranck is a best-selling author, trauma therapist, internet talk show host, speaker, and singer. She is co-author of Amazon #1 Bestseller, IGNITE THE GENIUS WITHIN, a powerful experiential, consciousness-expanding book that enhances your creativity, and gives you unexpected answers from within. Ignite'spowerful elements get deep into your system to uncover and deliver the answers you need--that are already there--in order to make deep change and thrive in a drastically changing world.
Dr. Ranck is also a trauma therapist in New York City, who also specializes in creativity enhancement and problem solving. Using the latest, highly effective mind/body therapies, EMDR and Brainspotting, she saw results that astounded her, as her clients not only healed from trauma, but also made astonishing self-discoveries and were often stunningly transformed. She developed a burning desire to write a book that would bring those results to the general public, and assist readers in expanding their self-awareness and creative powers. Her book, Ignite the Genius Within, became an altogether new kind of book.
Dr Ranck's talk show, Get Ignited! a live, on-camera internet show powered by Yackit ( www.ChristineRanck.Yackit.com ), airs live every Wednesday night at 8:30 EST. Please join her and her weekly special guest, to talk about the brain, quantum physics, human consciousness, and other fascinating stuff. If you have a webcam, you can join the discussion on camera!
Christine's Get Ignited!talks and seminars, which she teaches all over the country, provide her audiences with the tools to apply expanded consciousness to their lives, and to access to deep brain processing that is the wave of the future for adapting to a drastically changing environment.
Ignite the Genius Within (book and workshops) are for you: 1) if you want to finally discover and resolve, once and for all, the blocks that stop you.2) if you want an Epiphany, an answer from within, a solution to a problem, or internal guidanceabout a direction to move; and 3) if you want to be more creative. In this rapidly changing world, being creatively resilient is a necessity not a luxury.
Incorporating music performances, artwork, and multi-media elements into her seminars, Christine creates an exciting creative environment within which participants can experience the IGNITE process. Her humor, enthusiasm, and utter fascination with the science of human consciousness brings everyone in the audience with her—ultimately leaving participants certain of their own inner genius, as well as having tools for a radically new kind of thinking --using the deeper brain. For more information visit www.christineranck.com
Before becoming a therapist, Christine was a professional singer/actress in Broadway shows and niteclubs all over the world. Her pop vocal trio, The Janes , still performs with orchestras internationally.
Dr. Ranck is co-founder of Trauma Freedom International, whose mission is to create a sustainable, culturally integrated global trauma relief network for trauma survivors, by creating locally trained sources to get survivors the emotional help they need in the fastest way possible. Go to: http://www.traumafreedom.org
Please go to my website, http://geniuswithin.homestead.com to receive wonderful free bonus gifts when you purchase my book, Ignite the Genius Withinon Amazon.com
Please go to my website, www.christineranck.com to download the powerful, FREE, Get Ignited! bilateral soundtrack . The Get Ignited! soundtrack is proven for enhancing creativity, relaxation, sleep assistance, enhanced memorization and study skills, and problem solving. From my site, you can also purchase the companion book, Amazon #1 Bestseller, IGNITE THE GENIUS WITHIN, through a link to Amazon.com and other booksellers.
From there, also sign up for my free Get Ignited! newsletter and receive (once-a month) the latest wild and wacky updates on the science of human consciousness--quantum physics.
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