After a period of deep despair, Barry Thomas Bechta had painted himself into a dark corner wherein he could see no door or window out - except to go within.
It was through self-reflection and a sincere reaching towards the Creative Power within himself that Barry made a lasting connection with God/Life/Energy, and more importantly a promise to himself.
"If I can find how I led myself to my pain, and a way to heal my pain, I wish to share that wisdom with others."
In response to that promise, Barry's experience unfolded and showed him that he was the cause of his pain through his personal Thoughts, Feelings, Words, and Actions.
Through hours of mediation and self-reflection and encourage by a book of positive thoughts, Barry began to write a personal affirmation journal. It started as one single page (which he would read daily or when he struggled) and eventually expanded into a full journal (which he read daily or when he struggled.
A close friend encouraged Barry to share his journal as a book. Barry published this first book in August, 2000, entitled, "I AM Creating My Own Experience".
Since that date, Barry has gone on to Create many Self-Creation Spiritual books (which he reads to empower connection in the following life areas):
I AM Creating My Own Experience
I AM Creating My Own Answers
I AM Creating My Own Dreams
I AM Creating My Own Relationships
I AM Creating My Own Abundance
I AM Creating My Own Success
I AM Creating My Own Happiness
I AM Creating My Own Experience - The Creation Vibration
I AM Creating My Own Experience - To Manifest Money
I AM Creating My Own Experience - 366 Conscious Days
Loving Oneness
Trust Life
I AM Creating My Own Debt FREE EBook
I AM Creating My Own Financial Freedom - The Story
I AM Creating My Own Financial Freedom - The Lessons
I AM Creating My Own Results Workbook
Loving Myself - Simple Ways to Improve My Most Important Relationship - THE ONE WITH MYSELF
(Illustrations by Barry Thomas Bechta, Author Binah C Godisall
All of these books are available here =>
Each of Barry's books is a snapshot of his Self-Creation & Spiritual journey to Consciously Manifest his life as he desires it Right Now, and more importantly these books are wisdom tools for others to Create their lives as they desire them Right Now.
To discover more about Barry go to
To Connect with Barry go to
"Make believe occurs when you play a game.
Make Belief occurs when you Consciously Create your Belief in your ability to live your ideal life."
“I am living my dream life. I know where I am going, and every day I see signs that tell me I am on track.”
"You can say 'It is Nowhere!' or 'It is Now Here!'
Say and Act as if it is 'Now Here' and it is."
"Pay Attention to what’s working and you Place your Creative Intention into what’s working.
Pay Attention to what’s not working and you Place your Creative Intention into what’s not working.
Pay Attention to what you worry about and you Place your Creative Intention into what you worry about.
Pay Attention to what you dream about and you Place your Creative Intention into what you dream about.
Ask yourself, 'What am I paying Attention to?' "
"Life gives you a whole cornucopia of what you do not want, in order for you to be able to Choose what you do want. Without the unwanted options, there would be nothing to choose from. Imagine a world where we only had choices from what we want, and then realize that not much would get done because no matter what we had, that is what we wanted."
"Worry is focusing upon what you do not want.
God does not worry about anything.
So there is no reason for you to worry about anything either."
"Right Now is the Only Moment of Creation You have Access to, so Create Consciously within it."
Get Your FREE copy of I AM Creating My Own Experience - The Creation Vibrationand understand the power of Self-Creation in your experience through Barry's examples. Check out Barry's website at Unconditional Love Books for details.
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