Stephanie Mann has seen it all: drugs, violence, crime, gangs, fear, social isolation, apathy, poverty and abuse.For 40 years, her reaction has always been...get adults and the community involved to protect children. Together we can make our cities safe for everyone!
In 1969, her hometown had a crime wave. Residents were waiting for the police to stop drug abuse and burglaries. We only had 2 sheriff’s deputies for 17,000 residents. Without a local police department…volunteers spearheaded the "Neighborhood Responsibility" program. Within 2+ years… organized neighbors cut crime in half.
In 1975, with support from the California Youth Authority, Stephanie Mann and Shirley Henke published, "Alternatives to Fear: Guidelines to Safer Neighborhoods." Thousands of copies were sold to police departments, agencies, libraries and the FBI. The book helped popularize the “Neighborhood Watch”program nationwide.
As a community organizer with the California Office of Criminal Justice Planning, she co-author, "Safe Homes Safe Neighborhoods: Stopping Crime where You Live" (Nolo Press). The book on safety is a 15-chapter encyclopedia on how to stop neighborhood crime and protect children.
In the 1990s, she worked with the homeless and saw a legacy of childhood neglect. As a result, she wrote, “Street Safe Kids ” a 10-step guide to help youth develop self-esteem and stay centered. Any concerned adult can empower up to 25 kids by starting discussion groups on how to stay safe and healthy.
She participated in the City of Oakland (CA) Youth Safety & Violence Prevention Task Force and facilitates Pastor and Citizen Workshopsto help motivate inner city residents to help stop crime, drug abuse and violence.
Stephanie appeared on Bill Moyer’s PBS Special, “Solutions to Violence”and has been a frequent guest on radio and television with over 130 appearances. She is a keynote speaker, workshop leader, writer, facilitator and a conference exhibitor of her books.
Her articles on safety have been featured in national publications and newspapers... Ladies Home Journal, Parenting, Woman’s World,and Bottom Line Personalas well as the Los Angeles Timesand San Francisco Examiner.
She became a "guest columnists" for Copley News Service.Her most recent article, "Making Cities Safe Again,"is posted on her website. Other articles include, “Why kids take drugs”and “Why kids commit suicide.”
Her website, "Safe Kids Now,"offers books, an audio telewebcast, articles, links, inspiration, information to help YOU, your organization or community group take charge of children’s emotional health and safety!
For more information:
Keynote Speaker- How to keep children safe in an unsafe world! Workshops - Keeping children safe and healthy so they can reach their potential. Inner City Pastor Workshops - How to stop crime, drugs and violence as you develop strong and courageous citizens who will make a difference in their neighborhood and community. ("Love thy Neighbour" is mentioned 135 times in the Bible.)
Strengthening families must be a national priority! A strong democracy requires community involvement! Community action works - Together we can stop crime, drug abuse and violence. Together we can help create peaceful families, neighborhoods and communities. Spiritually centered kids are nonviolent and stay safe!
Become a community advocate! YOU have awesome power to create change by getting involved in your community. Do you like to work with youth? YOU can to empower one child or 20 kids by using the guidebook, "Street Safe Kids." Children learn how to stay centered so they don't bully or become a victim. Do you belong to a civic and/or neighborhood group? Do you like to speak in public or write articles for your local newspaper? Or, do you want ideas on what you can do to make a difference in your community? For more information, join our network (send an email) and get involved in your community. Check out: