Rick has worn many hats during his half century of living. Straight out of high school, he started working for his family dry-cleaning business, eventually managing it and finally purchasing the multi-store company from his father.
Throughout the 1970's and 1980's, while firing up the boilers at 5 am, six days a week, Rick pursued his true passion; writing, recording and pitching songs. He won Billboard Magazine's International Songwriting Competition the first two years running, and other major music competitions. Music publishers and recording companies started picking up his material. Based on this success, he sold his dry-cleaning business in the 1990's to form a music production company. He spent two years building a professional recording facility in his home. Unfortunately, the same month his production company launched, his marriage ended, and his studio and music royalties were seized by the divorce court.
Devastated, and unwilling to lead the starving artist lifestyle, Rick made his way to the Internet and began using his entrepreneurial and creative skills to become one of the original Internet marketers. He created top-selling marketing products, such as: Ezine Marketing Machine, Branding You and Breaking the Bank, and he originated the Internet's first two-tier affiliate program with his traveling billboards, I.D. IT! Plates.
Rick's articles and quotes have been featured in hundreds of Internet newsletters as well as in magazines and print books. One of his most popular quotations has it:
"Give a shelterless man tools and he will build a homeInspire him, encourage him, give him vision, and he will build an empire."
In 2001, Rick founded the Internet's first toy drive at www.InternetToyDrive.org , an online holiday mainstay for seven years. Recruiting the top Internet marketers in large promotional campaigns aimed at making sure no child is left without at least one gift under the Christmas tree, InternetToyDrive.org is a corporate sponsor in direct affiliation with the official Toys for Tots program.
The tragic events of September 11, 2001 affected Rick so profoundly that he decided to change direction from helping people build online businesses to simply helping build people. His breakthrough ebook from 2002, Success: a Spiritual Matter, the first in a series of products that bridge business success and spirituality, remains an entrepreneur's favorite to this day.
In 2003, Rick's first print book, "A Large Slice of Life to Go, Please!" was published, landing him the prestigious Pinnacle Book Achievement Award and many high-level endorsements.
His current line of NLP products like Quit Smoking Right Now , Make Every Day A Great Day and Better Sales Right Now , are licensed by some of the world's top self-development entities.
On the morning of July 15, 2006, he received two emails, one right after the other, that profoundly affected his life. The first was a CNN Breaking News Alert outlining the latest gory details about the bloodbath in the Middle East. This made him nauseous - literally. The next email was from a man Rick hardly knew, Julian Kalmar. Julian explained that he couldn't sleep that night, fearing for the lives of two friends, one in Lebanon, and one in Israel. He wrote that he had asked the Universe what he could possibly do to help. Almost immediately, "10 Million Votes for Peace" jumped into his mind. That was Rick's cue to call Julian. At 6:42 a.m. they began discussing the project that became known as 10 Million Clicks for Peace
Rick welcomes you to join Nobel Peace Prize Winner Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Deepak Chopra, Jack
Canfield, Immacule Illibagiza in the movement Arun Gandhi (grandson of MahatmaGandhi) says will "lighten the burden of peacemakers everywhere."
10 Million Clicks for
Quotations by Rick:
Mountains DO Move. . .. . . One Stone at a Time
It's usually the last ounce of effort that tips the scales of success.
Fear is the minds great mortal sin.
Life is a Gift, not a Prize.
Life makes you walk that delicate balance between Making It Happen and Letting It Happen.
Our shoulders are never so narrowThat we cannot carry the weight of our own world.
We seem to seek the truth when it in fact seeks you.
A slave to making money is just a slave.
The Learning Curve never flattens.
It's when we look at how much we are alike that our differencesdisappear.
A clenched fist is no match for an opened hand.
If I die tonight in my sleep:
let me have hugged and told my children that I love them,
let me have told my mother how much she is loved and appreciated,
let me have helped a friend or better, a stranger,
let me have worked very hard these past hours in the name of my personal progress,
and, let me have gone to sleep with the knowledge that I did the very best I could do today.
I encourage you to visit 10 Million Clicks For Peace and join Nobel Peace Laureate, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Deepak Chopra, Arun Gandhi, Jack Canfield and many more to help make this a better world for all those we leave behind. Links from the above page lead to a corporate account and promotion materials. If you write personal growth content we'd love to have you contribute to our large Gifts of Peace ecourse. Please drop me a quick email to let me know you've joined!