RANDY DEAN: The "Totally Obsessed" Time Management Guy
and E-mail Sanity Expert
For more than 19 years, Randy Dean has been obsessed. Obsessed with a topic that impacts us all – time management and the effective use of time. He was so obsessed, he left a successful career as a professional marketer and manager to become a leading expert in the fields of time management, e-mail management, and personal organization, and to teach others how to be more organized and effective with their time, and how to lead a life of productive purpose.
Randy has been training people how to be more effective time and e-mail managers for more than 17 years, and has personally tested his time and e-mail management systems in major corporate, academic, and non-profit settings, as well as fast-paced for-profit companies. His systems work, and are based on strategies created by Randy and other thought-leaders in the field.
A member of the National Speakers Association, he has delivered entertaining and informative speaking and training programs for an impressive list of organizations, including Procter & Gamble, Westinghouse Corporation, Delphi Automotive, Volvo Machinery, Michigan Society of Association Executives (MSAE), The University of Chicago GSB, University of Michigan HRD, the Graduate Management Admissions Council (GMAC), Ohio State University, the Law School Admissions Council (LSAC), the Dept. of Health and Human Services OIG, and the Defense Logistics Agency Europe.
Prior to becoming a highly regarded speaker and trainer, his use of his time management system allowed him to be successful in several important professional positions, including Director of Full-Time MBA Admissions at Michigan State University, Market Research Supervisor for the Rx-to-OTC switch of Prilosec® at Procter & Gamble, and Subscriber Services Coordinator for ADVANCES: The Journal of Mind-Body Health at The Fetzer Institute.
He is the author of two books: his new book, Amazon.com #1 E-mail Best Seller Taming the E-mail Beast (learn more at http://www.TamingEmailBook.com ), shares his advanced e-mail management strategies and techniques, while his first book, Major Satisfactors = Major Success details his unique system for proactive, satisfaction-centered time and life management and personal goal attainment. He has previously been interviewed by Business Week Online , The Detroit News, and Business Direct Weekly ; has written articles for The Greater Lansing Business Monthly , the Small Business Association of Michigan , the popular blog site Whakate , and more; and is an expert author on time and e-mail management on EzineArticles.com and SelfGrowth.com . The top graduate of the MSU MBA Program in 1997, he is an active member of the American Society for Training and Development, National Speakers Association, Lansing Chamber of Commerce, and Michigan Society of Association Executives, among others.He is married with two children, and resides in East Lansing, Michigan. More information is available on Randy and his speaking, training, and teleseminar programs at http://www.randalldean.com & http://www.emailsanityexpert.com . Call or e-mail today for more info!
I have several popular speaking and training programs in the fields of Time Management, E-mail Management, Office Clutter Strategies, Managing Better Meetings, PDA Usage, Delivering Powerful Presentations, Finding the Passion in Your Work and Life, and more.
My most popular conference programs are my "Finding an Extra Hour Every Day" highlights-reel time management session, and my "Taming the E-mail Beast" program. Both of these programs can be delivered in a 60-90 minute conference session very successfully.
I also have several longer-form training programs, including:
I also lead a periodic free teleseminar on my "Taming Email" strategies (use link in the above section for registration information or to listen to a replay), and have led for-fee teleseminars and webinars for clients in many of these areas.
If you would like to receive information on any or all of these programs, please visit:
Or, just send me an e-mail at randy@randalldean.com . Our team will get back to you with desired information.
"You can be anything you want to be. You just can't be everything you want to be all at once. That is what a lifetime is for." -- From my first book, Major Satisfactors = Major Success.
"Be the change you wish to see in the world." -- Gandhi
"Be the change you wish to see in your e-mail account." -- From my second book, Taming the E-mail Beast
"Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda
To get started with Randy Dean, there are two web sites that provide a great deal of additional information on me and my programs. My "general" web site is http://www.randalldean.com , and that site provides a great deal of information on the breadth of my program offerings and services.
A new site, http://www.emailsanityexpert.com , focuses on my new book and related speaking/training programs in the area of e-mail management and e-mail sanity. I am working to become known as one of the leading national experts in this niche, and the efforts in this area (conference programs, corporate training events, and book reviews) have been very positive.
There are many options to request additional information and take advantage of free bonuses on both of these sites. Please use these sites as your gateway to starting a relationship with me. (You can of course also just send an e-mail to randy@randalldean.com .)
Randall Dean Consulting & Training
1881 Linden Street
East Lansing, MI 48823
Phone: (517) 336-8906
Mobile: (517) 896-6611
Fax: (832) 550-3308
Email: Randy@randalldean.com
Web: www.randalldean.com
Information for Carol Grainger, Client Development Coordinator
for Randall Dean Consulting & Training, LLC
(Carol can help answer your questions regarding booking Randy Dean, and help with coordinating timing and logistics on specific speaking and training program opportunities.)
Phone: (517) 655-3752
Mobile: (517) 449-7832
Email: cgrainger@yourastec.com