
Chemistry is a subject that is built on basics. If your child has not understood the foundation of subject, building on the concept is most likely to get very difficult. As a parent, it is important that you talk to him/her and get them to set some time aside every day for this subject. Here are some possible reasons behind your child’s unlikeliness for Chemistry.

Unstable Foundation In Math

Your child might hate Chemistry because he/she may fail to understand the subject. But before understanding Chemistry, one should have clear knowledge about Algebra and Geometry. Since Chemistry deals with unit conversions, Algebra and Geometry play an important role. In that light, if your child falters in Math, understanding and relating to Chemistry will be difficult too, leading to hatred for the subject.

Inability To Comprehend The Subject:

There are classes where the text is not that important. But Chemistry is not one of those subjects. Your child will have to understand the text. The same applies to the lab manuals. Even though he/she might love the lecture and feel that there is no need to study the text, he/she will require it for assignments and homework. If your child fails to understand the text, he/she will find the subject confusing, and eventually, start hating it.

Convincing Oneself with a Positive Attitude :

It is said, a lot can be achieved if one has a positive attitude . Our brain and heart functions in an amusing manner. With a little practice, one can convince them to believe things. Surprisingly, sometimes this process takes place unconsciously. Your child may have convinced himself/herself that he/she is bad at Chemistry and can never score well in the subject. In that light, everything that is being taught in the class is not getting in their brain.

As a parent, you must look into this matter and get them to believe in themselves. Talk to them and make them understand, that they are doing well and they just need to relax. It is easy to study topics and subjects that one likes than to study ones that they don't. In that light, get your children to like Chemistry. This will make studying the subject easy.

Using Easy Ways To Avoid Doing Homework:

Nowadays everything is readily available, from two-minute noodles to answers of tough Chemistry questions. Every day, things are being invented to make our lives easier than what was, and technology is not the only thing here. In earlier days, both teachers and students had to work out the problems to get to the right answers. That took hard work and consistent effort. However, nowadays answered booklets are easily available in the market. Students can very easily get a copy of such a book and get their problems sorted. Your child may be using this technique.

Copying a few equations from a book will not get your child to understand the concept of the subject. Thus, he/she might be hating it since they do not follow what is being taught.

Chemistry is just another subject. Yes, it is a bit difficult compared to the other subjects, but with proper help and a little effort, one can master the subject. You just have to spend some time with your child. And if your schedule doesn’t allow you to do so, a private Chemistry tutoring can be arranged. This way one can work upon the core issues of your child in regard to the subject. But whatever you do, make sure to keep encouraging your child.

Author's Bio: 

kathy Mitchell work at and writing for News, a daily news agency comprising stories websites.