Whether you want to raise the profile of your company, announce launch of a new product, or broadcast an event, a press release is one of the best approaches to get the word out.

Creating a press release service and press coverage may not be simple matters, yet they are not unattainable with practice and careful planning.

In order to be one up in today’s cutthroat competition; you must develop a strategy to make your story go viral.

Here are 7 steps that should help you going:

1. Start with a compelling headline.

The few words that make up your headline will decide whether you will get a high click-through rate or a higher conversion.

There are no hard and fast rules. Yet, keep in mind the following:

• Your headline must describe the unique feature or benefits of the news offers to the public.
• Swap dull words for exciting ones.
• Listen to the voice of your consumer for great ideas. Survey responses can help.

2. Focus on the lead.

The journalists will read the focal point of your release. Make sure the first paragraph contains the central information of your story.

The audience will proceed only if the first paragraph provides them with persuasive information.

The paragraphs that follow can contain supplementary information.

3. Do not forget the 5 Ws.

The release must answer the What, When, Who, Where, and Why. There can be no compromise on this aspect. Editors and journalists will not consider the narration complete unless all the 5 Ws are addressed.

Review your story for accuracy. Are the facts right?

Nothing can mar your company’s reputation more than erroneous information.

4. Abide by the editing rules.

Journalists are inflexible. They do not compromise on grammar, language, tone, and prose. If your release is not perfect on these aspects, it will see the trash pile.

5. Write for your audience.

If your goal is to market your product, writing for your audience is imperative. Do a bit of demographical research, and you will quickly understand how to write content that is newsworthy.

The release must contain key information on what is new about your product and how it will solve your target audience’s problems.

6. Work in partnership.

Collaboration has been one of the finest marketing strategies. There is no any doubt that teamwork will help in creating a press release that will go places. Brainstorm with people in your company and structure the press release as a team.

7. Press release optimization is important.

One element that stands out in an effective press release is the proper amalgamation of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and social interaction.

This approach is essential to increase the chances for your story to appear higher in search results for the key words/key phrases used by your target audience.

It may not be a straightforward task, but with practice and skill you can:

• Learn how people search
• Improve good writing• Make format improvements (headlines, sub-headlines)
• Make use of natural links

Finally, do not fail to include graphics and videos. These are worth a thousand words.

Author's Bio: 

Mike Smith has hand-on experience in content marketing and Cheap press release distribution that’s the reason why his blogs on the subject are educative and easy to understand. Mike has been a creative writer and is focused on the world of content marketing for many years now.