Some time ago, when for a large part of society the Internet was something new and not entirely clear, the question “why do we need a website” seemed quite logical. Then, at the dawn of the Internet, businessmen could manage without their own website.

Times change. Today, for market participants (whatever they do), it became absolutely necessary to have their own websites . The two main prerequisites that led to this state of affairs include the rapid development of web technologies and the growth of social welfare.

Having the website, each entrepreneur receives a number of benefits, the list of which is quite large.

Let’s have a look at the 10 most significant of them.

1. The website is the face of any modern company. In addition to the real benefits that you can estimate by calculating profits, the website significantly improves the image of its owner. A company that does not have its website and email address is considered by potential partners and customers as a company that does not value its own image and does not try to keep up with the times! Nowadays it is difficult to take seriously a company that does not have a website. Today, every serious market participant has its own website.

2. The website is a 24-hour virtual office. With the constant growth of the number of Internet users, the number of people who may need information about your company is increasing not only during working hours but also at the off ones. In this case, the website will provide you with an invaluable service. People can look through your website day and night, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, from any civilized point of the planet.

3. The website is a business card of the company , providing your potential client with all the necessary information to contact you. When visiting the website, a person can find out the address of your company, its phone number, specify how to get to the office using the location map, as well as find out the opening hours of your company.

4. The website is an opportunity to tell about the company, its competitive advantages, its products, services, cooperation conditions, etc. According to some estimates, companies that do not have at least a minimum representation on the Internet lose up to 25% of customers. Knowing about the company firsthand, people try to find its details via the Internet and come across competing companies or even abandon the idea of ​working with this company because of the inability to find information about how to communicate with it.

5. The website is a multi-purpose business tool that allows you to answer most of the visitors’ questions. You can put information about the goods (services) and other important information on your website which your partners, suppliers or customers may need.

6. The website is your own unique media. It can contain various, regularly updated news, for example, about the life of the company, current promotions, discounts, and special offers. Also, the website can have an RSS feed, a subscription form, so you can use it to send information to interested people.

7. A good website finds new customers. Just like in a shop or an office, people come to the website with a specific purpose. Paper catalogs and advertising leaflets are inconvenient and are rarely on hand at the right moment. Your customers are already looking for information on the Internet, but whether they find your website there is up to you.

8. The website will answer typical customer questions. If you have your own web-resource, you have the opportunity to analyze the most frequently asked questions and then post the answers to them on the website. You can also place thematic articles, price lists, certificates of manufacturers, reviews of grateful customers, other materials that will help potential customers get all the information they need.

9. With the help of the website, a company can attract new customers and support existing ones. Thus, you solve two problems at the same time. First, your customers already like you. Secondly, you ingratiate yourself with potential customers who come to your website for more information. Having found the information they need on the website and seeing there a high level of service and attention to the client, they, in nine cases out of ten, will make their choice in favor of your company.

10. The website is the most inexpensive type of advertising. The share of clients who learn about the company through the website today, on average, is about 25-30%. Every year, it will grow due to an increase in the number of people receiving the bulk of information from the Internet, and not from newspapers, radio, and television.

Have you ever wondered why serious, dynamically developing companies invest a lot of money in the development and promotion of their corporate portals? They already know how this helps business! A competently designed, professionally created and popular website brings them a lot of money.

If you are not an entrepreneur , then you think that you do not need a website? It’s not like that at all

Thousands of people visit websites to learn something new or get the necessary information. To be without a website is to lose opportunities. Discover the virtual space from another side of the Internet. Become a website owner!

Reason 1: Online Resume

According to the HuffPost , 80% of employers check candidates for a position through Google or a similar search resource before inviting them for an interview.

The personal website is the only place on the Internet that you control. The website works as a letter of recommendation if it reflects your experience. Moreover, you do not need to list all the jobs, just highlight the brightest, show how companies have changed thanks to you.

How it works: post diplomas, reviews of grateful clients. In addition, sharing content, you inspire confidence, because you do it in front of everyone.

Reason 2: Hobby website

Every person has a hobby, but not everyone talks about it. Always stay in touch with website visitors and get reviews. If you are writing — share your works with people, if you play sports — tell the readers what difficulties you have encountered and how you went through them.

The website allows you to find like-minded people, and, who knows, maybe in the future it will bring you money.

Reason 3: Personal Branding

People trust more to article on the website. Here you can post your film reviews, opinions about political events, expert reviews of famous cases. A personal website is a wonderful chance to create your own brand.

Reason 4: Professional Portfolio

You can use the website as your portfolio. Not only photographers, writers or managers need their personal websites. It is also useful for teachers, and the fact of its creation will demonstrate their skills. In addition, they can provide links to download and/or purchase their works.

Reason 5: Wedding

Wedding organization is a multi-step process, starting with the invitations and ending with checking who to expect at the wedding. It is not necessary to be nervous and spend a lot of money. Create a website for the wedding, and all the necessary information for guests will be in one place: a reminder of date, and a festive menu. You just need to share the website with your guests.

  • Today, “Save the date” button may replace the invitation cards. So it will save you money because there is no need to spend money on design and printing.
  • You can create an “About Us” or “Details” section to display other options and information about the place and schedule. So you will get rid of the need to explain to your guests how to get there, and endless questions about where the ceremony and party will take place.
  • And finally, you can find out who will come just by leaving a form to fill in!

Why do you need a website: a brief summaryEven before creating the website, ask yourself the following questions:

  • to whom it may be interesting;
  • why it needs to be created;
  • why it should be successful.

Answers to these questions will help you understand whether you are moving in the right direction. After all, the website should be interesting not only to you and your friends but also to many people. Only visited resources can be successful.

Even at the stage of thinking through the theme of the website, you need to build a clear strategy for yourself – how exactly are you going to make money on it if this is the goal of your website.

But if you are going to create a website for readers, visitors, that is, just for people, you need to be as careful as possible. Clearly calculate everything in advance to understand how this resource will get people interested.

Author's Bio: 

A blogger and marketer. I have my Master's in Marketing.