Often clients come to me because they truly want to get the recognition they deserve in the form of publicity both online and in the media. They’re looking for a starting point to get the word out so they have a general understanding of press releases and strategies. This is an important step in building your brand awareness and increasing credibility. At the same time there are often key foundational pieces missing. Pieces that need to be in place before you really start creating publicity buzz. And, I’m always upfront about that.

It’s important to be ready for publicity because publicity is more valuable than paid advertising and it’s more believable. This means that the right publicity can bring you more customers and create immediate trust. It can also be the most cost effective way to build brand and business buzz. BUT, you do need to be ready and I often see people trying to get publicity when it’s just not time yet.

Here are the top four reasons your business might not be ready for publicity.

1) You haven’t truly defined what success means to you. This could take the form of not knowing what it looks and feels like and it could also mean that you don’t know how to measure success.

2) You don’t REALLY have a plan or strategy. This could mean that you have a loose business plan but you haven’t fully looked at your big picture plan to create the lifestyle of your dreams personally and professionally.

3) Your website isn’t up to par. This could mean that your site is lacking key information that your business needs to appear credible to the general public and to the media

4) You don’t have a publicity plan. This could mean you don’t know how to craft a press release that will be media worthy and/or you don’t know where to start when it comes to submitting your press release both online and offline. This could also mean that your bio is not as juicy as it needs to be

Take a moment to assess your business. Ask yourself: What does success TRULY mean to me? Do I have big picture plan to support my ideal life (personally and professionally)? What could I do to improve my website today?Do I have a publicity plan and/or is that realistic for my business right now?

Author's Bio: 

Lisa Manyon is the President of Write On ~ Creative Writing Services, LLC. A Professional Copywriter, Marketing Strategist and Published Author, she's a master of matching your message to market via copywriting and publicity strategies. Manyon offers copywriting, coaching and consulting services. Lisa received the Charles Schwab Financial Literacy Award in The Hot Mommas 2011 Competition, a leadership venture housed at the George Washington University School of Business, Center for Entrepreneurial Excellence & the world's largest women's digital library of role models & mentors. She's featured as a success story in The Well-Fed Writer and is a published author in the book Success Rituals 2.O -Winning Habits of High-Achieving Women: How she does it and you can too. Manyon publishes a free monthly ezine Manyon's Musings and offers a complimentary Copywriting Action Plan. For more information or to schedule an interview visit www.WriteOnCreative.com .