Tooth pain is without a doubt one of the worst discomforts that a person can experience. It prevents us from eating and even triggers headaches and an unpleasant night's sleep. In fact, toothache tends to get worse at night, especially before bed.

To understand why this happens, you must first know that tooth pain occurs due to inflammation of the pulp or adjacent tooth structures, caused by tooth decay, trauma, gum problems, or dental malocclusion - misalignment of the teeth or the way the upper and lower teeth fit together.

When pain is felt, lying down intensifies the discomfort. "When we lie down, the blood flow in the head increases, causing increased pressure in the pulp," explains dentist Renata Camargo. That is, the increase in pain has nothing to do with the fact that it is night, but because it is at that time of day that most people go to bed to rest, which leads to this association.

To sleep well

To avoid this horrible sensation in the hours of rest, the specialist reinforces that the already known practices to maintain oral health should not be ignored. "A good brushing, flossing, and consulting the dentist every six months to clean your teeth are good habits that help protect you from toothache."

If you still experience a terrible toothache, the expert advises putting ice on the pain region or rinsing with warm water and salt. "When pain fluctuates between mild and moderate, a good pain reliever can fix it. But in cases of more acute pain, only dentist intervention will help," he concludes.

There are many pains that complicate our daily life, and one that might seem insignificant and yet is one of those that affect us the most because of how annoying it is is a toothache. This happens especially at night, at which time the discomfort increases, next we will see why.

Why do we have toothaches?

The first thing to know is that toothache occurs due to inflammation in the pulp or in the adjacent structures of the teeth, caused by caries, trauma, gum problems or dental malocclusion, that is, misalignment of the teeth. teeth or the way the upper and lower teeth fit together.

Throughout the day we feel pain, but it is at night when we suffer the most, because when we lie down the blood flow in the head increases, causing increased pressure in the pulp. The normal thing is that in these cases the pulp is irritated, with the most sensitive nerves, so that as the blood slack in the head increases, so does the pressure of the tooth.

The increase in pain has nothing to do with the fact that it is at night, but rather with the fact that it is the time when most people go to bed, which sometimes leads people to associate pain with the night.

What causes toothache?

There are several causes that can cause a tooth to hurt. These are the most frequent:

Breakage of a tooth due to an accident or trauma
Otitis or sinusitis
Caries, periodontitis, pulpitis, or other oral infections
A heart attack
Sensitivity to heat or cold

Toothache, one of the most frequent dental emergencies

Pain in the teeth is one of the main reasons to go urgently to the dentist's office. Patients often feel very intense pain, inflammation, infections, bleeding

Prevent toothache

The best way to avoid having to endure a toothache is to control our daily oral health, with a good brushing, using dental floss and we carry out a checkup at the dentist at least every 6 months to do a cleaning on the teeth.

If you still can't help it, it's best to put ice on the pain region or rinse with warm water and salt. In cases of more acute pain, you can only solve it with a visit to edmonton dentist .

Author's Bio: 

Hasan Root, a dream lover!