Throughout our mobile application development , we implement the geolocation system for greater efficiency and utility of it.

Why do we do it? We tell you some reasons:


You can access the geolocation data of customers that can provide you with very useful information. From the user's point of view, you can know exactly the site you are looking for in a very precise way.


One of the most direct consequences of knowing your user well is that you can make more appropriate marketing campaigns for your user. And above all, you can take advantage of it if you have the possibility of doing proximity marketing.

A good example would be that a push notification arrives when the application detects that the user is near one of our physical stores. Or even send an applicable discount by displaying the message in the app.

And for those who want to make a more personalized campaign yet, it will display a different app content depending on the location. If, for example, our project is the development of tourism applications we have it easy. Are we on a beach in Miami? Let's show related content: swimwear, activities in this location, nearby drinks, accommodation by the sea, etc. What if we go skiing in Miami? Winter sports equipment, warm clothes, activities near our hotel, etc.

But these are just two examples, if we give it two laps, we can end an original strategy and very close to the user. This option is much more interesting for businesses or applications that have a physical version than for those that don't. Although geolocation proximity marketing is going strong, marketing via SM, of NF, the Wi-Fi or QR codes are also other options to generate traffic and enhance customer interaction.


Development requires less code, so the speed increases.We must know exactly what type of geolocation we want. It will depend on the mobile device, so it is best to use a code that suits each device, or many users cannot use it.


The closeness can come from that proximity marketing. But as a result, we have that social factor. Can we share on social networks that we just bought in a physical store? Sharing with friends where we are has a lot of potentials. It makes it closer to the firm, makes it a 'friend' not a store that wants to sell us.

Do we organize a party? Let's invite our customers, let's encourage that 'engagement'. Through geolocation we can invite you two events close to you, we will make you feel special, we keep it. And the best? That will share the experience with other potential customers.


The development of apps will improve the user experience at multiple levels. And that introducing maps in the app will allow us to guide the user as far as we want, will allow the location of services and shops you are looking for, etc.

In short, geolocation brings a lot to the creator of the app, but also to the user who will see it efficient and useful, because it improves their experience and their interaction with the real world.

Author's Bio: 

At Cliffex , we understand the value of our clients' businesses and the customers they serve and empower them to build fast, flexible and future-oriented apps that help them in excelling and staying at the top of the game. We believe in building transparent partnerships rather than just creating relations so that you can get started in the digital transformation journey of your business right away without any hurdles/unexpected surprises in the path.