Whenever there is a skill that you would like to master, there are at least 3 phases that you have to go through.

* conscious incompetence
* conscious competence
* Unconscious competence

All learning starts at unconscious level.

Just think about how it felt when you started to learn how to read. At first it was hard to even see the difference between letters like p and q, so very different for you today, but still so very much alike.

After a while you could put different letters together, and even spell your own name. But I bet you cannot tell me the exact time when you learned to read. It didn't just all of a sudden make perfectly clear sense when you looked into a book.

The mind doesn't work that way. First you have to know what you don't know... That is when you start practising. As your skills and confidence grow, you can start doing more advanced things. But everyone has to start the same from the same place. The beginning.

When your desire to learn hypnosis has become big enough for you to actually read this page, it is time to take it a step further. I would love to tell you, that there is an easy way. Something that will turn you into a Deren Brown mentalist in a couple of days. But there are no short cuts (I think this a general rule can be applied to every aspect of life). So let me put it like this: the easiest way is doing it the hard way.

So where to start this journey to mastery? By doing simple exercises that will build you and enlarge your comfort zone gradually. If you want to dive in at the deep end and start hijacking trances from people spacing out in the subway. By all means feel free to do so.

I would suggest find somebody, a friend you trust, or even get to know somebody from one the web 2.0 social networks, and start practising. Skype is great for doing language practise and can be done successfully over great distances. I'm currently in a storytelling circle, with people from all over the world. For more hands on practise, try out with friends or family .

When you start being comfortable doing simple exercises, then just expand your range of things you try out. It might take up all of your concentration in the start. But before you know it, your skills will have improved to the point of second nature.

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You can learn the ABC's of hypnosis online free and even get access to one of the world most renown Hypnotist. Get more free hypnosis tips at Learn hypnosis Now we show the way to mastery by walking the talk.