Do you think that you're ready to spend the rest of your life with your partner? I'm glad to hear that you have no doubt about that but let's take for a moment the rose-coloured spectacles and discuss what you should know before moving in together.
Everyone who has been in loved before knows that each relationship passes through a couple of stages. At the first moment you're high on love that you don't notice anything – your partner seems like the perfect one and you're ready to do anything for him/her including putting everything on ice, calling a man with van from North London and living together. This stage is not the best time to make rash decisions. Next step of each relationship is adaptation. This is a period when people realize that their partner is a human being and has some faulty like everyone else. This is also the most critical moment which will decide whether you could live with this person or not. If you succeed in passing it, then you're ready to make the last step – moving in together. But before taking this step you should have a good talk with your boyfriend/girlfriend and find out what he/she thinks about a couple of questions of vital importance.
1. Children
What do you think about kids? Do you want any? Does your partner wants too? What will happen if someone of you can't have kids? Will you adopt one, will you split up or that wouldn't be a problem for you? Who will take more responsibility for your children? Would someone sacrifice his/her career to stay at home with kids?
2. In-laws
Let's face it – in-laws are one of the mainsprings for many breakups. What will happen if his/her or your parents have to live with you? How that would affect your relationship? And what do you think about holidays? Where will you spend, for example, Christmas? What will you do with their endless phone calls? Do you mind if your partner spend two hours every day on the phone talking with his/her mother? Would you be OK with that?
3. Money
You should say a couple of words about your finances too. How much each of you earn and how will you pay bills? Will you keep your money at the same bank account or everyone will have his/her own one? How much should you waste on hanging about with friends, presents and hobbies? Does your boyfriend/girlfriend have any hobby or addiction that requires a lot of money?
4. Chores
The last thing that you have to talk about is household chores. You could be surprised but there are some couples that have split up because they are arguing all the time who should hoover or wash dishes. You'd better discuss that well in advance and neutralize any these problems in advance.
Moving in together is a step that will turn your lives upside down so you shouldn't be overhasty and hire a based in London man with van company if you're not absolutely convinced that you've made the right choice. You'd better have a word with your partner about these things and find out what is his/her opinion about these questions of vital importance. Only in this way you'll find out whether you're really ready to live together or you should look for another person to share your life with.
Becky Henderson is a person who has made some wrong and right choices in her relationships that's why she wants to share her experience with everyone who doesn't want to ruin his/her relationship.