Cystitis has received more and more attention in recent years as a common urinary system disease. But some cystitis patients said they would have blood in the urine, expressing great panic. Why do patients with cystitis have hematuria? How to treat it?

Cystitis is inflammation of the bladder, mainly caused by specific and non-specific bacterial infections and other specific types of cystitis. Its clinical manifestations are acute and chronic. The former has a sudden onset, a burning sensation during urination, and pain in the urethral area. Sometimes there is urgency and severe urinary frequency. Common in women. Terminal hematuria is expected, with gross hematuria and blood clot excretion in extreme cases.

The symptoms of chronic cystitis are similar to those of acute cystitis, but there is no high fever. The symptoms can last for several weeks or intermittently, causing the patient to become fatigued, lose weight, and experience discomfort or dull pain in the waist, abdomen, bladder, and perineum.

Why do patients with cystitis develop hematuria?

1. Cystitis causes local erosion or destruction of the bladder mucosa, which can cause mucosal bleeding. Hemorrhage mixed with the urine stored in the bladder can be manifested as gross hematuria, hematuria at the end of urination or redness in urine color during the whole process of urination, or changes such as meat washing water.

2. Bladder inflammation can lead to the destruction of the aminosugar layer of the bladder. It can also directly stimulate the submucosa, manifesting as small ulcers or minor arterial bleeding in the mucosa.

3. After bacterial infection, the wound of the local mucosa of the bladder is always soaked in urine, so it is not easy to heal, or the coagulation time is prolonged when small blood vessels rupture and hemorrhage. It is not easy to solidify so that it will show continuous bleeding.

How to prevent hematuria in patients with cystitis?

1. Prevention of etiology, such as the cause of hemorrhagic cystitis caused by the patient, is necessary to control the reason in time. Surgical treatment is required if the patient has a malignant bladder tumor, which leads to inflammation.

2. If the patient is caused by radiotherapy or chemotherapy, it is necessary to reduce the radiation dose and the use of chemotherapy drugs. If necessary, if the hemorrhagic cystitis is very severe, radiation or chemotherapy can only be stopped.

4. If the patients cannot tolerate it, they can change the drug in time or reduce the number of infusions. Suppose cystitis causes the patient to bleed more. In that case, it is necessary to discuss with the doctor, reduce the radiation dose, and only stop the radiation is required to prevent serious complications.

How to treat hematuria in patients with cystitis?

1. First, cystitis patients with hematuria can choose drug treatment. Many drugs are very effective, such as Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill . It can eliminate blood and other symptons caused by cystitis and cure cystitis wholly without side effects.

2. Secondly, when the bleeding in patients with cystitis is not particularly serious, they need to pay attention in their life. However, they should go to the hospital for a check-up if they are bleeding a lot.

3. Finally, cystitis patients should also eat more foods better for their condition, do not eat spicy food, and do not eat seafood. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, and actively cooperate with the doctor's treatment. Women should never smoke or drink alcohol.

In short, when cystitis patients have hematuria, first of all, do not panic, go to the hospital in time to seek consultation and help from relevant experts, and prescribe the right medicine. Then, do the corresponding protection and prevention daily for the problems that arise. Finally, there should not be too much psychological burden and pressure, and you can also seek help from a relevant psychiatrist. Believe that with continuous efforts, we can treat and control this disease.

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