What should I do with my life?

As soon as Edward wakes up in the morning, he lights up a cigerette and starts smoking. Then, he goes washes his face and takes a shower. As soon as he is done, he goes out wondering in the streets from a friend to another not knowing what to do with his day. His friends ask him why he doesn’t get a job and he keeps saying that there are not jobs and starts blaming the economy, the government, life, his family for his misery. Since he is overweight, his friends also advise him to join the gym, so he gets in shape and keeps his body healthy, but Edward doesn’t listen.

What do you think of this story? Does it sound familiar? How many people do you know that have no idea what to do with their life?

Many people live life aimlessly and don’t know what to do with their life. They don’t have any goals and they don’t have any desire to change themselves and improve their life. They are expert, however, at complaining and blaming people and life in general.

If you are a person who always ask “What should I do with my life?” then follow the below guidelines to get your answer:

1. Figure out what you want in your life and what your goal is. If you don’t know what your super objective is, then who does? Don’t be like the millions of people around the world who get up every morning, not knowing what to do.

2. Find a hobby that you enjoy and spend sometime daily or weekly enjoying it whether it is sports , dancing, singing, acting, reading, exercising, or whatever you like.

3. Educate yourself. Spend time reading and learning new skills. Just like people who are in the IT and technology field, have to update their skills all the time as the technology keeps changing, you do the same.

4. Do what makes you happy.

If you follow the above steps, you will be on your way to doing what you love in your life. Always remember to do what you love, not what others want. As Howard Thurman says, “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

Author's Bio: 

Dia Thabet http://www.2achieveyourgoals.com

Do you know that only 3% of the world's population manage to plan and reach their goals? The main goal for 2achieveyourgoals.com is to help you become from the top 3% of the world’s population who know how to achieve any goal they desire in all areas of life. If you have a specific goal that you want to accomplish or want to improve an area of your life, but do not know how or why you are not getting any result, then this is the place for you.