What is it that you would like to succeed in for the coming year? A goal without a plan is just a wish! We all have wishes and dreams but few go further than that-their wishes. Somehow people seem stuck in the planning process and then they never reach the implementation stage.

It would be a good idea to study the life of an athlete. They are some of the most disciplined people in the world-why, you may ask, because they envision their end goal and then create a plan, a platform from which they go forward into high gear. There are a number of factors that all those who succeed have in common:

Their strong Desire doesn’t shrink. Instead it becomes stronger as they progress in their endeavor. Possibly because they have a supportive team standing behind them giving help, encouragement and help. Do you need to seek out a support team to help you?

Their Belief system is also strong and unwavering. They believe in their talents and gifts. They refuse to take NO as an answer to any challenge but rather continue to stretch themselves every day. They choose to move through the pain to reach the other side. Are you willing to walk through the dark valley to reach the other side?

Their Passion is fierce. Their eye is on the ball and their discipline and persistence doesn’t shrink. It continues to grow and grow…and this is what fuels their energy. It is an unending spiral that they refuse to leave because they do not want to miss a beat. Where does your power and strength lie? Do you believe in your self and your talents sufficiently to reach your glory?

Positive mind, body and spirit are the character traits that enables them to understand that they have limitless abilities and with the grace and support of their team whether they be natural or supernatural, they are destined to succeed. We all have a supernatural Divine Team that is ready, willing and able to help us on our Journey. It is our job to ask for their help and guidance and then we need to heed their suggestions and advise.

Negative thoughts only have one goal-to help you fail. When you move into that realm of negativity, you open the door to pessimism, feelings of insecurity and the belief that you are limited by some condition, situation or circumstance. I have said often and I will repeat myself- we all make choices and fortunately or otherwise, we will have to live by our choices. If you have a wish or a dream that continues to recur, that is no accident. That is God, your Creator’s way of letting you know that you can experience the success that you want if you are willing to do the work and move through your personal valley of darkness so that you can reach your light and destiny.

If it is important, I know you will find a way, if it isn’t, then you will find an excuse. I hope you choose for your personal glory. I know it is going to be wonderful.

Author's Bio: 

Joan Marie is an accomplished Medical Intuitive, and Business Intuitive and is the founder and President of Joan Marie Companies. She is fast becoming the World’s leading authority on the teachings of Intuition and how to make your Intuition work for you in your life. She is famous for her uncanny details as a Medical Intuitive. People seek out her skill at being able to scan your body in search of clues for the disconnect as she sees the emotional link between the disease or situations happening in your over all health. Joan Marie has teamed up with Doctors from all over the world to consult with their patients to help resolve their medical problems. Many doctors refer their clients and encourage them to work with Joan Marie because they too realize that many medical problems are emotional based. She is also a medium and can communicate and deliver messages from loved ones from the other side. Joan Marie’s life mission is to not only awaken you to your true life’s purpose but to also assist you at the core of your soul with healing any emotional problems that are continually coming up in your daily life. Through her special talents and gifts Joan Marie can share with you the exact age when your problem began as she works with you to bring you specific tools to help you heal your soul and emotions.