I will be turning 50 this year and have been spending some time doing some "inner/reflective" work and part of that process has been defining what's important to me - which is essentially what Passion and Purpose means.

For me, as I enter this new chapter in my life, Passion and Purpose refers to Empowerment and Connection. When my first husband passed, I remember all too well that feeling of loss...not just of the love of my life and the father of my children, but also the loss of a part of my identity and that feeling of powerlessness and victimhood, if you will. What followed was a journey of healing but also a journey of connection and empowerment ...discovering the eternalness of my being and just how powerful a creator I truly am.

So, I'd love to hear your thoughts on just what Passion and Purpose means to you! What feelings does that phrase conjur for you as you ponder it? What images do you see when you close your eyes? I invite you to take some time to meditate on that phrase. Connect with your own Inner Goddess and discover just what Passion and Purpose means to you

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Elaine Torrance-Gingrich, The Goddess of Laughter and Possibilities, is the creator of Wake Up and DANCE™, her signature system that shows you exactly how to leverage the Law of Attraction for more money, laughter, and magic in your life and business! To get your FREE 3 part email course, “Attracting Abundance” and receive her Weekly Inspiration Ezine and Time to DANCE™ Newsletter, visit www.avalonianmoon.com

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About Elaine

Rev. Elaine C. Torrance-Gingrich is the founder of Avalonian Moon LLC, a company devoted to teaching spiritually-centered women who struggle with the challenges of midlife, how to leverage the Law of Attraction to create more money, laughter and magic in their lives and businesses.

Through her coaching programs, Elaine mentors her clients to make peace with where they are, see the possibilities for where they can go, believe in themselves, and to have fun along the way. Her overall mission is to empower fun and possibilities.

To begin experiencing Elaine’s coaching, you may contact info@avalonianmoon.com to schedule an appointment for your 30-minute FREE Strategy Session.