How do you know when you’ve FINALLY got brand clarity?

After all, your business vision has always made total sense – in your head.

And then you tell people about it… you’re very excited… but then the craziness starts.

* You get that confused face in return. You know the one I’m talking about. The one that says… “What on EARTH are you talking about? I’m trying to keep up with you… but I was totally unprepared for this conversation. And the bar over there looks increasingly tempting…”
* You get a completely unexpected reaction – they take your statement to the wrong place entirely and start rampaging off in the opposite direction of what you meant! They start running with what they think you’re saying, and then you spend the rest of the conversation trying to reel them back into your REAL business.
* You attract clients who seem like they came from outer space (and you wonder why they chose to contact you in the first place, when you’re obviously and totally not a fit for their needs). Where do they come from?

This is not in accordance with your plan at all. You were supposed to tell them about your big, exciting vision – and they were supposed to hop on board! They’re supposed to understand your passion perfectly, flawlessly and without missing a beat.

Ack! Instead, you’ve gotten yourself into a certifiably crazy situation! The people you’re talking to are painfully, obviously confused about what you’re talking about.

And it’s not their fault!

When you help your potential clients get out of confusion, they come back to the nice, calm, lovely place where they understand exactly what you’re talking about… and can immediately tell whether they need to work with you (or if they know someone who does). And that’s a lovely, cozy place to be.

What makes this place so lovely and cozy?

The place where there’s complete clarity and understanding between you and your clients is so lovely and cozy because you’ve finally found an invaluable way to communicate your passion to the people you’re passionate about serving.

Once you’re there, you’ll know it. You’ll see and feel the difference because:

* Your Brand Feels Authentically, Completely and Comfortably Like You. My clients call this the “wow, that’s me!” factor. Seriously. Your words will be perfect. Your images will reflect who you really are. And you’ll be able to deliver on it, every time.
* Your Ideal Clients See Your Value Immediately. Even before your clients pick up the phone to talk to you, they understand that you’re an expert in your field. Your initial conversations go much more smoothly because your clients already respect you from seeing your expertise in your brand.
* When You’re Talking To Your Ideal Clients, They Get Excited That They Met You. They start dreaming about the possibility of working with you – on the spot. Before you know it, you’re no longer talking to a skeptical networker – you’re talking to an excited, attentive, possible client whose pain you could solve.
* Your Ideal JV and Promotion Partners Recognize You. You’ll start getting offers of promotion, telesummit appearances and opportunities that you haven’t been prepared for before. And, when you have brand clarity, you’ll be able to turn out your interview questions, offers and articles with more ease and faster than ever before.
* Your Brand Looks Established, Trustworthy and Credible. Every potential client who sees your materials will be impressed because they’re so well-put-together. You’ll seem like you’ve got tons of experience and have been “at this” for years – even if you really haven’t (but your brand won’t tell).
* You Become Unforgettable. This goes beyond just being memorable. This is what gets you those, “Oh, I’ve seen you before!” reactions when you’re giving your card out at conferences – to people you’ve never, ever met. Maybe they’ve only been to your Twitter profile once, or seen your logo on Facebook – but something about it resonates so deeply with them that they can’t forget about you.
* You Know Your Most Appealing Strengths. When you know how you rock, it’s oh-so-much-easier to explain that to other people in a way that will appeal to and attract them. It also becomes easier to remember why you’re awesome, how you can change their lives and why it’s your purpose to work with them – and to stay on track when you’re explaining that.
* You’re Focused and Clear About What To Say About Your Business. No more being nervous at networking events – when you introduce yourself, you know exactly what to say… and if the person you’re talking to is your ideal client, you’ll catch their attention. Magic!

Brand clarity is a lovely, cozy place to be – and it puts you right in the sweet spot where you can be serving your clients better!

Author's Bio: 

Erin Ferree is a brand strategist and designer. She works with small businesses to create brands with substance and style that fit their businesses perfectly. She's designed brands for hundreds of small business owners that attract their ideal clients, outshine their competition and make them unforgettable.

If you’d like to learn more about brand clarity and strategy, don’t miss her upcoming teleclass, “Is Your Brand IN or OUT”. It covers how you can tell whether your brand is in or out of control and what you can do to get a solid brand strategy in place. Sign up here:

Erin lives, cooks and plays tug-of-war with her dog in San Luis Obispo, California.