Most people who suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) often want to know what to take for acid reflux. However, ingesting pills, tablets and other medications may not be the most ideal solution to your problem. Let us look at some of the ways you can deal with this condition.

Defining GERD

Gastroesophageal reflux disease is a condition characterized by stomach acid moving up into the esophagus due to mucosal damage. There are various symptoms associated with GERD and the most common is heartburn, which involves a burning feeling of pain in the chest. Other symptoms include throat pain, difficulty in swallowing, regurgitation, nausea and in some cases, increased salivation.

GERD can be caused by a number of factors. Pregnant women are said to be particularly prone to this condition, mainly because of increased levels of hormones and the pressure from the fetus. For others, a host of factors can instigate GERD, including smoking, too much alcohol, too much caffeine, hiatal hernia, stress and eating too much spicy and fatty foods.

Avoiding GERD

If you experience any of these symptoms, finding out what to take for acid reflux is not necessarily the most ideal first step to take. There are medications recommended for this condition, but it is important to consult a doctor first before you take any of these drugs. A bit of change in your daily diet and daily habits may help though, since most of these changes do not entail too drastic an adjustment.

One way you can avoid this condition is to eat right and to eat on time. Skipping meals is one way of putting yourself at risk, and so is eating too much in just one go. The best eating habit you can adopt to protect your gut from GERD is to eat five to six smaller meals each day, instead of eating a big meal in one sitting. Lying down right after eating a huge meal is also a no-no, since this will hinder your digestion. It is actually suggested that you do not eat a big meal at least three hours before bedtime since our metabolism typically slows down as the day progresses.

Eating the right foods

The most basic solution to acid reflux is to maintain a well-balanced digestive tract . You can do this by following the advice provided above and also by eating the right food. Those that have high fiber content are great for the gut. Taking prebiotics supplements can also help, although when deciding what to take for acid reflux, it is always best to seek the opinion of a doctor first.

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I love everything regarding health and through my research and unbiased reviews, I provide valuable information to people online.

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