Hypnosis is can be described as a state of relaxation which is induced through positive suggestion or autosuggestion. The hypnotic state when used for therapeutic techniques is called hypnotherapy. Hypnosis is some times termed as a sleep state this is incorrect the words hypnosis and hypnotism are derived from the Greek word hypnos, meaning sleep as the person does appear to be asleep they are in a heightened state of awareness they are actually more away of what is going on around them.

HypnotherapyHypnotherapy is a form of talking therapy it is used for the treatment of emotional and psychological problems. The aim of all talking therapy is to assist a client is to help then to find alternative ways of changing their thinking feelings or behaviour of an unwanted habit. It can also help the client to realise or unlock there own potential.

Hypnotherapy on like other kings of psychological treatments addresses the client’s subconscious mind hypnotherapy mostly realise on the client being in a relaxed state. Hypnotherapy realise on the clients own imagination along with direct suggestion from the therapist. The therapist can also use analytical techniques bringing up past events and then dealing with the emotional issues of the past event. Through all the techniques used the client must have a strong motivation for change the therapist can not do it for them.

Perhaps the most important thing is that the client feels comfortable with the therapist they must feel at ease as this is important to the success of the treatment. It is always a good idea to just book one session with the therapist just to see if you like them or not, then go away and have a good think before under going any kind of therapy with them. You should expect to feel better after a few visits for simpler problems such as stopping smoking, weight loss , nail biting and lack of confidence. If you are not receiving benefits after the short treatment then you may be advisable trying analytical therapy which is a much longer process may be ten sessions or more.

Frequently asked questions

What is Hypnosis ?
Hypnosis is a state of relaxation and concentration at one with a state of heightened awareness induced by suggestion. It is a non-addictive power for good and is a natural manifestation of the mind at work.

Are there some people that cannot be hypnotised?No. (Except those who have mental illness, although of course the degree varies from person to person).

Are any drugs or tablets used?No.

Will I be aware of what is happening?Yes. Most people are surprised to remember all that has happened during the therapy.

So I’m not asleep then?No, you are simply extremely relaxed.

Is there any cause at all for concern?
None what so ever. Hypnosis is a proven therapeutic aid.

How many visits will I need?Simple problems, such as smoking, nail biting, slimming, pre-test nerves etc usually require a single session and the success rate is surprisingly high. The more deep-rooted nervous disorders require ‘analytical’ rather than ‘suggestion’ therapy which usually consists of 10 to 12 weekly sessions.

Can I be influenced to do anything against my will or nature?No. In fact you would be shocked out of the hypnotic state immediately any such action was suggested to you.

Who can benefit from hypnotherapy?

Anyone can benefit from hypnotherapy provided they but time effort have the motivation for change as I mentioned it is not all down to therapist. The list of symptoms that can be treated with hypnotherapy is to long to mention the most common are Fear of public speaking , weight loss, stop smoking, anxiety, depression, addiction , alcoholism, some skin disorders, Irritable bowel syndrome some times called (IBS) pain management and sporting performance.

Author Philip Monaghan DHP
Bolton Manchester Hypnotherapy ClinicPhone:07707291955

Author's Bio: 

Hypnosis, hypnotherapy, and psychotherapy Manchester & Bolton Lancashire, UK

Philip Monaghan is a fully qualified hypnotherapist and psychotherapist and has been practicing hypnotherapy, hypnosis known as clinical hypnosis and psychotherapy for over 10 years. He has been making peoples lives easer helping people with all kinds of problems such as phobias, social anxiety, fears etc. Philip uses a fast effective specialist treatment known as pure hypno-analysis as taught by the International Association of Pure Hypnoanalysts, Hypnoanalysis will help you to easily resolve your problems permanently. Philip uses hypnotherapy treatment for social anxiety disorders, blushing, obsessions, depression, weight loss, IBS, sexual problems, compulsions, sexual abuse, emetophobia which is the fear of being sick, lack of sex drive, impotence, and premature ejaculation..