Having a wart is such a hassle! If this is something that you deal with, it is important to understand where they come from, what causes them, and how they work. Understanding this, you will be able to better treat your warts, manage them, and deal with them a lot easier. If you have warts, stop stressing out. It isn’t the end of the world! You just have to understand what you are dealing with and why you have them.

Where do these things COME from? So, warts are skin growths that are caused by the human palilloma virus (HPV), but they are not cancerous. What happens is that the virus causes a protein to build up in the top layer of the skin and it grows too fast- which is where the wart actually comes from. Generally, they are found on hands and feet, but can be on other parts of the body.

Know what Warts You Have!
There are three main types of warts. There are common warts, which have a rough surface that looks like cauliflower. According to a study by the National Health Service (NHS), of 1000 kids that had warts, generally 74% had the common warts. The Plantar warts are another type; they are located on the soles of the feet. The problem with Plantar warts is that generally they can grow back and they are usually very painful since they are on the soles of the feet and are aggravated by walking every day. About 24% of children in the NHS study had a Plantar wart. There are also Plane warts which mean they are flat warts. These are oddly colored, usually yellowish and brownish. They can be found on the hands, face, and legs, and are usually found in children. However, in the NHS study, only 3.5% of the children had these warts, so they are rare. The last type of wart is a Filiform wart. These warts are different than the other ones, and they are generally very long and can be found on eyelids, necks, and armpits. According to the NHS study, only about 2% of the children had this type of wart.

When it comes to understanding what is going on with your body and the warts, you need to know what they are and what kinds you have. With this information, you will be able to get the best information and best treatment for your warts.

Author's Bio: 

Amanda Rivers writes and collects information on all aspects concerning skin health. You will find on her site www.understandingmolesandwarts.com where she gives guidance and tips for people that have certain skin conditions and guides them through the process of what to do and where to find expert help. You can also browse through the many articles on her site where she attempts to get you to understand what a vital organ your skin is. www.understandingmolesandwarts.com/?p=articles