Wake Up to Your Divine Power

Channeled by Dr. Kelli, The Angel Whisperer and her Angels

You ask us dear ones, how we know about your angels and we say there is no separation from your angelic helpers or from the Divine Creator. We tell you, this is simply an illusion, due to your ego based fears that currently exist on the earth plane. We have always been connected to you, dear ones and we will always be.

Sometimes, the number of angelic helpers will increase, due to your current life’s mission or the particular situation at hand. So yes, it is possible to have more than one angelic helper by your side. You may always connect with us, dear ones and we tell you already have!

The best way to connect with us is to leave your ego at the door and rest in complete silence and desire to connect with our energy. An open heart full of love or joy will open the channel to the angels quickly. This is why it is so natural for children to connect to our realm. They are full of trust and love, but as humans grow older you are conditioned to ignore our assistance or brush it off as coincidence. This is simply the programming and filtering system you are currently resonating at. We tell you dear ones, this system is out of date and you must learn to reprogram yourself to produce miracles . You have access to this frequency of miracles ; it is in your DNA, most of you have yet to acknowledge this deep powerful truth.

Just as you resonate at a certain frequency, as do we. Whatever frequency you desire, ask to connect with it. For example, if you would like an angel of health beside you, go deep into mediation and connect with your heart center and release all black or negative energy out through the pours of your skin, just let it go we tell you as it does not serve you.

Release, Release, Release into the Light of Divine transmutation. Ask to connect with the energy of pure Divine love and light and ask this angelic helper to deeply penetrate every level of your multidimensional being; healing and restoring you to perfect health. Do not let the ego come into the meditation , dear ones. Ask this human personality to simply rest for now. You have power over this condition. The power that resonates from you is far beyond any human understanding. It is time to wake up to your true Divine power, dear ones, yes; we tell you it is the time.

Copyright © 2009 Dr Kelli, The Angel Whisperer, All rights reserved.

Author's Bio: 

Dr Kelli is a visionary dedicated to healing the hearts of the Universe. She felt the presence of Angels early in life and started “talking to Angels and spirits” as a little girl; her near death experience was a catalyst in changing her life’s direction. She has a background in human resources management and was in Corporate America for may years before entering the spiritual & healing arts field.

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