Do you ever wake up feeling nothing but grumpy? And you are not aware of it. Not until everyone else says it to you repeatedly. And even feel more irritated because you won’t believe it to be true reasoning out that you are just “not a morning person”. And then you realize “Oops! I have been relatively grouchy.” There is your wake up call. But why do you feel you are having a bad mood in the morning, when in fact, your day has not started yet? Here are some factors that may ring the alarm with the corresponding recommendations you can do.

Poor Quality of Sleep Sleep quality is “one’s satisfaction of the sleep experience” as defined by National Sleep Foundation’s Seditionary, who advocates in sleep health as a new field of research on keeping us informed and motivated to have a good slumber. It is highly subjective and is comprises your sleep’s initiation, maintenance, quantity, and refreshment upon waking up. If you are having a bad morning it can be associated with these determinants especially on your ability to wake up comfortable, positive and calm.

79% of Americans wake up badly according to Withings, a French tech firm who studied both Americans and British who are snoozers. 79% of the respondents admitted that waking up in a bad mood affects them throughout the day affecting their concentration (51%), overall work performance (38%), and well-being (35%).

We have our own body clock also called as the circadian rhythm. If we wake up ill-tempered most of the time, our own clock is probably not working right. Sleep inertia is the psychological state characterized by feeling groggy upon waking up and lasts about 15 to 30 minutes. At this stage, the culprit sneaks in. Neurotransmitters that affects sleep are erratic including norepinephrine, serotonin, and acetylcholine. Tossing and turning, you will rise up irritated. Fight inertia during its course it will be a big help if you prepare prior to a big day. What you think before you sleep will remain in your dreams up until you wake up. Dr. Vijai P. Sharma concluded that if we have too much stress in our life before sleeping, our compensatory mechanism regulates our mood while asleep in our dreams. Dreams give us hints on how we should deal with what is on the day ahead. Basically, the input of our mind and body is also the output. If you are stressed out before hitting the bed, waking up will be hard for you.

If you cannot catch the Z’s

    The Bedroom
  • Keep the room spick and span to minimize contaminants.
  • Strategize your bedroom design. Study shows that sleep positioning and proper arrangement of your ideal interior actually helps you sleep right.
  • Mattresses have a life span good for ten years. Invest on a comfortable and supportive ones to avoid and/or relieve back pain .
  • Survey shows that 91% of Americans change their sheets every two weeks. Wash sheets with mild water and detergent as often as possible to stay away from allergens that may hinder you to fall asleep. Use relaxing fabric conditioner to soothe you.
  • Wash pillows every 6 months and add protective case in between the pillow and pillow case to prolong its lifespan and prevent the spread of infectious-causing germs and foul odor.
  • Use humidifiers or scented candles such as bamboo, peppermint, and lavender to saturate air and reduce anxiety .
  • See to it that brightness of light source is adjustable from dim to luminous. Turning off bedside lampshade will make you sleepy because our body releases melatonin.
  • Set up the clock where you can easily see it but do not watch as it ticks. You may get too focused on the time that will not allow you to sleep.
  • Watch out for white noises that can distract you from having a sound sleep such as electric fans, machinery, and the likes. Try to tune it down.
  • Regulate bedroom temperature to your liking. 60 to 70 degrees is usually suggested.
    The Grumpy Head
  • Prepare the things you need to use for the next day.
  • Avoid doing strenuous work out before going to bed. Keep it light and simple to relieve stress and improve blood circulation. If you wish to go to the gym, do it 3 hours before hitting the hay.
  • Try the good old counting sheep formula. If this does not work for you, try relaxation techniques to help you meditate before sleeping such as imagery, yoga, and deep breathing exercises. These will also help you load off stress .
  • Eliminate the use of cellphones, laptops, TVs, tablets and other devices that emit blue light that makes your brain activate.
  • Lessen taking naps if necessary. Naps may take away from your night sleep especially if you are having a hard time or have insomnia.
  • Clear your thought process. Try writing down your worries and solutions to resolve it. This way your brain will do the problem solving while asleep and waking up won’t feel like a burden.
    If you want to get out of the Z’s
  • Open the curtains. 35% of Americans don’t use bedroom curtains or shades. Allow the power of sunlight to brighten your day. This instantly stimulates your brain to wake up and fight sleep inertia faster than usual keeping you from being volatile.
  • Drinking tea and coffee are known to be effective mood boosters.
  • Take a hot shower to awaken you and counteract inertia.
  • Use your electronic device to your advantage. Set an alarm with reminders, quote of the day , prayers or pictures to be inspired.
  • Quit snoozing. According to Dr. Peter A. Fotinakes, medical director of St. Joseph Hospital Sleep Center, hitting the snooze button time after time decreases the quality of sleep. Instead of waking you up, you will just get a bad morning.
  • Make sure to focus on the positive. Upon waking up, smile to remind yourself to look into the bright side of things. Think of something you look forward to making you jump out of the bed. Get your quick fix but don’t let it procrastinate you.
  • Wake up early to allow more time to prepare yourself from the day’s hustle and bathroom politics.
  • Listen to music that energizes you and keeps your focus on the positive.
  • Go out for a walk and see a beautiful scenery for 30 – 60 minutes. Appreciation of nature helps combat your grumpiness away.
  • Gretchen Rubin’s The Happiness Project recommends adding favorable activities in your morning routines before going to work.
  • Encourage social contact. A friend or a loved one will cheer you up and knock your head just to tell you to stop being irritating even when you are weary.
    • If you cannot keep the Z’s
  • Set a sleep schedule and stick to it. This will set your internal body clock so you wake up on time and enough sleep. Young professionals and adults are highly recommended to have at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep a day.
  • Minimize the use of your bed strictly for sleep and sex. Unnecessary things lying around your bed is a no-no! Take away clothes, books , and gadgets. Place them properly where they belong. Work materials should not be found on your bed. These will stimulate your brain to overload and would not induce sleep.
  • Avoid eating heavy meals or spicy foods to prevent indigestion. The study shows that eating dinner 2 to 3 hours before lying down prevents you from waking up in the middle of the night. If you are still hungry, you can eat light meals 45 minutes before.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol and caffeine. In an article in Time Magazine, doctors explained how the effect of “alcohol is probably to blame” for keeping you up at night.
  • Exercise daily but take into consideration your sleep routines. Go to be bed when already tired and do not force yourself into working out.
  • Keep a sleep journal to track your sleep cycle and evaluate irregularities.
  • Seek professional help from a physician or a sleep doctor.
  • Waking up grumpy reflects your attitude towards the day. Do not own up to it. Stay away from it all cost before drifting off to dreamland and prepare for a great morning. Answer the call with positivity. Batter the grumpy in you before it batters you.

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    Author's Bio: 

    Juvy Ann is a passionate Author, Life Coach, & Internet Marketer who resides and writes in the Philippines. Currently, she serves as the CEO for IWorld Vision Trading, Inc.

    Both persistent and driven, Juvy Ann has dedicated a lot of her time to learning all things business and has been an ambitious entrepreneur since 2012.

    Juvy Ann holds a B.S. in Accounting. Additionally, she is the member of the Marine Life Protection Association.

    When she isn’t writing, Juvy Ann enjoys going on adventures and traveling. She is also a coffee aficionado. Most importantly, she enjoys spending quality time with her wonderful family. Jo is happily married and a proud mother of 1 beautiful child.

    Along with crafting stories, Jo is presently completing her training to become a motivational speaker.