Want to master Valorant, the new FPS from Riot Games, at your fingertips? You are in the right place. This article brings together all our guides on how to unlock agents. Whether it's our presentations and tips, or our tips for shining in your games. To get a quick upgrade you can buy valorant boost here.

That's it, Valorant is there, open to everyone. You can now chain headshot and start your pro career on the game. But before that, you will have to unlock all the agents of the game. always understandable. Find out how to unlock agents in Valorant.

Two agents to get free

Arriving on the game, you have 5 agents for free: Brimstone, Jett, Phoenix, Sage and Sova. Nothing to do to unlock them. You will also get a series of quests which, once completed, will give you two agents to unlock.

The quest is divided into ten stages, and every 5 stages reached the game gives you the choice of an agent to obtain. To do this, go to the Collection tab, then Agents. There, take the agent of your choice.

Other agents to unlock with contracts

For the rest of the roster, things get complicated. Once all the initial quest is finished, the game will offer to activate the agent contract. This allows you to obtain various cosmetic elements, tags, titles, or weapon skin.

But above all, completing the tier 5 of a contract unblocks the agent. It is the experience gained in parts that allow progress in contracts, regardless of the agent played. It is not necessary to play the agent to level up his contract. For example, to advance in Raze's contract, you can play Viper, Jett, or any other agent.

To activate a contract, go to the Collection tab again, then Agents. There, click the Activate button, located above the agent selection bar. You can only have one active contract at a time, but you can change it at any time.

Finally, for those in a hurry, know that it is possible to spend VALORANT Points - obtained by spending real money. 1000 points are used to directly unlock tier 5 of a contract, and therefore to obtain the agent. If you spent real money during the beta, Riot Games has refunded your points, with a 20% bonus.

Author's Bio: 

Hasan Root, a dream lover!