Why is using a Stress Management Journal a good idea for me?

There are many reasons. One is that it gives you an outlet to write out your feelings, vent, and work out some conflicts on paper. You can write anything you want because nobody has to see it but you... unless you decide otherwise.

Another reason that using a stress management journal is great is that you can chronicle your stress. If you keep track of dates, times, and types of stress with each of your entries, you will begin to see a pattern.

You will be able to predict times when you're likely to be stressed.

For example, if you record in your stress management journal that you are experiencing stress almost every day at 10am, then it would be a good idea to look deeper into what happens at 10am every day. Is there something specific at that time of day that causes you stress? Think about it.

This insight will give you a leg up on your stress and allow you to plan ahead. Think of ways you can manage your 10am stress. And maybe it's not a time of day issue for you, maybe you discover that a specific event or being around a specific person causes you additional stress. Either way, this knowledge gives you an advantage.

Once you have spent some time diligently writing in your stress management journal, you will be surprised by what is revealed about you. You will not only be able to predict when you'll experience stress, but you'll also be more aware of what kinds of things are causing you stress. You'll discover when your stress level is the highest and from what types of events.

This information will become invaluable and all you have to do is write. Write daily and make sure to always include the time and date. Be as specific as possible because it'll help you out later when you go to analyze your entries. However, don't try to analyze while you're writing. Just write as much as you need and move on. You will want to come back later when your mind is clearer to sit down and take a closer look at what's going on.

Another way your stress management journal can come in handy is if you decide to go to your doctor or a counselor to discuss your stress.

This information will also be invaluable to them and they may even be able to help you analyze it deeper and help you find ways to work through those stressful times and maybe help you to avoid or plan for the ones that you can predict.

This information will help your doctor know what your symptoms are and how severe your stress level is. Sometimes trying to come up with this information on the spot is difficult, but if you've been keeping a stress management journal, you'll have no problem discussing these types of things with your doctor or counselor.

Your Stress Management Journal will have many good uses and you'll be glad that you decided to use one... it's sure to come in handy!

Author's Bio: 

Jill Rheaume is the author of http://www.ourstressfullives.com/Stress-Management-Journal.html and specializes in helping people find new ways to cope with stress to live a happier, more fulfilled life.

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