Studies have shown, as we age, we tend to be less active. We become more prone to illness, which can lead to inactivity. It can become a vicious cycle. This article is a guideline only, and not intended to replace your doctor’s recommendations. Always consult with your doctor before engaging in ... Views:2104
According to the National Institute on Aging, regular exercise can prevent or delay diabetes, and heart trouble. Committing to a regular exercise routine can also decrease arthritis pain, anxiety, and depression. Best of all, exercise can help you remain independent for a longer period of time. ... Views:1594
The time has come where you need to speak to an elderly loved one about being placed in a nursing home. What do you do? This article explains how you can speak to an elderly person about change of location.
Explaining to an elderly loved one they require placement in a nursing home is a ... Views:1873
"My Elderly Parents Need Help, but don't want the help".06/01/2011
Does this sound familiar? Is your mother cooking, and leaving the stove or oven on? Is she forgetting the meal in the oven and it catches fire? Luckily your father was home this time. Many adult children can get very ... Views:3593
Are you a caregiver? If you are, you are playing a very important role in someone's life. It is possible that you are caring for an elderly parent, friend, or family member. It is also possible that their health is starting to deteriorate and they need help. Furthermore, you are helping with ... Views:1536