Are you on your way to becoming a drunk, like I was for too many wasted years of my life?
A new study this year from researchers at the University of California and Veterans Affairs San Diego Health Care System finds one in five men in the United States and other developed countries are at risk ... Views:2243
You’ve made the decision to quit smoking you say? Make sure you really want to quit this time. Decide you’re going to quit no matter how scary you think it will be or how much you think you’ll miss smoking. Some people say “I really would like to quit but (you can fill in the words here)….” ... Views:1645
Have you quit drinking, smoking or binge-eating and then fallen “off the wagon?” Maybe it’s because you haven’t had the kind of support system you need after you quit?
I quit drinking over 21 years ago now. A friend of mine just asked me the other day if I ever think of drinking anymore. So I ... Views:1690
When I used to drink years ago I assumed I'd always drink---my entire life. I liked it so much. I depended on alcohol and didn't want to think about ending my relationship with drinking. But after several years of drinking with the boyfriends and losing relationship after relationship it ... Views:2624