Essential oils come from the aromatic liquids that are found within flowers, roots, leaves, shrubs, bushes, resins and seeds.
Essential oils have been used for thousands of years for healing purposes. In Egypt, bowls of alabaster were found in King Tutankhamen’s tomb filled with more ... Views:2328
When we are in a state of balance, we maintain optimal health and well-being. Our health is affected on all levels, including mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually by the experiences that we have in our lives.
All emotional, mental and spiritual issues, as well as, physical ... Views:1637
"The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear.” ~Zen Saying
When life seems to be going in many directions at once, think about conscious intentional relaxation. It is simply bringing your awareness and your intention to allow your mind, body and spirit to relax. It only takes a ... Views:3183
· Stress can affect so many different parts of our bodies, from our muscles and tissues to our blood vessels and organs
· It speeds up heart rate and respiration, affects our sleep
· Stress raises blood pressure and body temperature
· It can interfere with metabolism, appetite and digestion ... Views:1821
The definition of the word chakra is a spinning vortex of energy. It is a Sanskrit (ancient language) word that means wheel or disk like. Our chakas are energy centers in our bodies that are constantly receiving energy from our surroundings and environment.
Everything that has ever ... Views:3339
Unless you are from South Louisiana, the word "traiteur" would sound strange to you. Cajuns are an ethnic group from the Acadiana area of Southern Louisiana. Some would call the Cajun traiteur a faith healer. This tradition has existed since the 1700's when the Acadians first migrated to ... Views:11480
Typically fear is something that we think MIGHT happen rather than what is happening now, in the present. So, for all accounts, fear is a future thing, usually a projection into the future of what could happen. The majority of what we fear usually does not materialize. Its in the allowing the ... Views:2264
The catastrophic weather conditions are our nation has been experiencing have caused a tremendous amount of fear because of the imminent dangers involved. Many people have been disrupted from their home and families, losing their connections.
Fear can cause you to become paralyzed and ... Views:2049
Being from La. and in the direct path of Hurricane Gustav was very frightening and unsettling to say the least. As a practitioner of energetic healing, I knew the power of intentions. There is a website conducting the Intention Experiment for world peace, complying scientific data of the ... Views:2165
Having a wonderful garden helps to soothe your soul, but along with that comes responsibility for our environment. Whenever we can use a natural approach to maintaining our yard and garden, we all benefit.
Some natural pest repellents to consider that are safer ... Views:1918
Hands on healing or energy healing are natural therapies which promote relaxation and speeds healing. By promoting the relaxation response, our bodies are better able to heal.
These techniques help to remove congested or blocked energy in the body. When the energy is not flowing because of ... Views:2234
What better way to help save our planet and “Go Green” then to start in your own backyard? Not only will you be helping Mother Nature by being environmentally friendly, but you can receive therapeutic benefits as well. Physical, emotional as well as spiritual well-being benefits can be ... Views:2213
What better way to reflect, meditate, daydream or just to take a break from a hectic lifestyle, then to retreat to your own backyard sanctuary. Get back to Nature by spending time in your garden as you prepare your soil, plant, weed and enjoy your harvest. Not only will you enjoy the beauty and ... Views:2516
What better way to reflect, meditate, daydream or just to take a break from a hectic lifestyle, then to retreat to your own backyard sanctuary. Get back to Nature by spending time in your garden as you prepare your soil, plant, weed and enjoy your harvest. Not only will you enjoy the beauty ... Views:2121
During this time of rising outside temperatures, it is important when working outside to be sure to stay hydrated. The human body is about 60%-70% water. Our brains are 70% water, while our blood is 80% and our lungs 90% water. Yet, 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. This can lead ... Views:2103
Energy based approaches to health and healing use light touch or hands off the body to influence the energy fields that surround our bodies. All levels of a person are affected through this process-emotional, mental, and spiritual as well as the physical well-being of an individual. The whole ... Views:6067
Dealing with your emotions after a traumatic event can be difficult. Although the event has ended, the memories may last for months or years to come. Similar events, sights, smells and sounds may trigger a traumatic memory. The traumatic experience still exists in our brain and contains the ... Views:3956
When we usually think of stress, food is not usually at the top of our list as causing stress. But, recent research studies indicate that there may be a connection between what we eat and how we cope with stress. As almost half of our population complains of some form of stress, stress has ... Views:2870
There has been much research which is indicating that laughter is indeed the best medicine. More health-care professionals are finding that laughter helps to lower blood pressure, boost the immune system, and reduce stress hormones while triggering the release of endorphins, the body’s natural ... Views:20594
Traumatic events or situations can be overwhelming experiences. Dealing with your emotions after a traumatic event can be difficult. Although the event has ended, the memories may last for months or years to come.
One way that these emotions may be released from the part of the brain that ... Views:3332
The sounds that are produced by chimes are very soothing and meditative, producing relaxation. Chimes have a long and varied history and have been around for centuries and used in all cultures.
By using chimes, you can achieve a perfect balance which brings in more positive energy flow. ... Views:2930
In our hectic lifestyle, it is important that we take the time to "smell the roses" and "listen to the birds singing". By creating a sacred space where you can become relaxed and unwind, your body is in a better position to rejuvenate and heal.
What better place then in the natural setting ... Views:2372
Gardens can be wonderful to soothe the soul and provide many therapeutic benefits. The physical benefits may be getting some fresh air and exercise. A garden brings together the wholeness of mind, body and spirit which is essential for well-being and healing. Along with having a wonderful ... Views:2131
What is a labyrinth? Labyrinths are being used in churches, retreat centers, medical facilities, parks, schools and other outdoor and indoor facilities as it’s popularity is on the rise.
Labyrinths have been around for many thousands of years, yet have regained popularity in recent times. The ... Views:4078
Gardens are not just for plants and flowers anymore. Gardens have become places of horticultural relaxation which hinges on health.
What is your garden like? Is it a sanctuary where you go to retreat, refresh and rejuvenate? When you look at your home and garden, whether it’s a small or ... Views:2185
What is a labyrinth? Labyrinths are being used in churches, retreat centers, medical facilities, parks, schools and other outdoor and indoor facilities as it’s popularity is on the rise.
Labyrinths have been around for many thousands of years, yet have regained popularity in recent times. ... Views:1847
New research may indicate that people who have higher levels of irritability or anger in response to mental stress may have a reduced oxygen supply to the heart. The findings suggest that anger may be a risk factor for heart disease and heart attacks.
Given these findings, it is important ... Views:5620
Meditative chimes have been around for centuries and have been used in all cultures. Chimes have a long and varied history. The sounds that are produced by chimes are very soothing and meditative, producing relaxation.
Chimes can be very useful for shaping the environment that you would ... Views:2797
God is my unfailing supply, and large sums of money come to me quickly, under grace, in perfect ways.
Only that which is true of God is true of me, for I and God are one.
Every cell in my body is ... Views:4343
Whenever we are in a relaxed state, our bodies are in a better position to heal. The beauty and tranquility of a beautiful natural setting of a garden can provide a wonderful sense of relaxation. It been shown throughout history that gardens have been useful in the healing process. ... Views:2818
Gratitude Study
Psychologists Robert Emmons of U.C. Davis and Michael McCullough of the University of Miami have found that practicing gratitude can actually improve our emotional and physical well-being. Their ongoing Research Project on Gratitude and Thankfulness has found that people who ... Views:3672
Energy Medicine
Have you ever felt when someone was starring at you?
Have you been able to sense another persons presence before you actually saw or heard that person? When you are around certain people, do you sometimes feel drained? Have you ever walked into a room and tightened up, felt ... Views:2380
Everything that has ever happened in our lives affects our bodies. Stress and emotions such as fear, distrust and anger cause us to become out of balance. When we are out of balance illness and disease may occur.
You are what you say, think and feel. Are there ideas or attitudes that you have ... Views:3283
Each member of the family may chose to pick one thing to do each day of the week OR you can use your own ABC’s. This changes your focus to bringing positive changes into your life. As a family, talk about the benefits, challenges and how these changes affect others. For example: ... Views:4607