Death always waits nearby. Yet, we tend to feel its presence only if our lives or the lives of people we know and love are threatened by it. Then we face our own mortality.
For the last few months, people all over the world have been reminded daily that death could decide to make an ... Views:758
Every year, when the Jewish holiday of Passover rolls around, I think about the places in my life where I feel stuck. I consider how to move through these places to freedom. This year is no different.
What is different, though, is the number of people who feel unable to move forward due to ... Views:832
Despite the constant news reports about increasing numbers of coronavirus deaths, we have the opportunity now to prepare for a post-pandemic rebirth. Indeed, the members of humanity are cocooned and preparing for transformation.
We have all been asked to wrap ourselves in the safety of our ... Views:739
We are living in an unprecedented time when people all over the world feel forced to deal with an invisible threat—the Covid-19 virus. This raises many questions, such as, Why is this happening? Is God punishing humanity? What will the future hold? and How can I survive this?
Indeed, the ... Views:808
When you think of the word “success” is the first thing that comes to mind a self-portrait?
If you don’t see yourself as successful, that vision needs to change. You truly deserve the success you want…
It’s just a matter of achieving that state.
And that’s the tricky part, isn’t ... Views:897
Do you know what it takes to become great at something? I bet you have that desire…to be great rather than good. (Admit it.)
Stop waiting or making excuses. It’s time to realize your potential. Step into greatness!
I’m not talking about wanting fame or fortune, which are nice. I’m talking ... Views:916
Anyone can simply begin blogging. Blogging a book, however, that’s a different story. If you want to blog a book, approach the endeavor like you would any other book project you might undertake.
Here’s a list of 6 things you need to do before you start blogging your book.
1. Choose a ... Views:1622
I've looked at two book proposals recently for aspiring authors with agents eagerly awaiting their submissions. The writers came to me for what they considered a "cursory review" because they felt their proposals just needed a "finishing touch," another set of eyes to glance over it before they ... Views:1741
I recently asked a Chabad rabbi if he believed in conscious creation - combining thought and feeling to manifest our dreams and desires - and if he found this principle within the teachings of Kabbalah. "Of course," he replied. "Despite all the conversations today about The Law of Attraction ... Views:3269
Today, 6.3 million American adults aged 18-54 have some type of specific fear. Although the most common fears tend to be public speaking, death, spiders, darkness, heights, social situations, flying, open spaces, thunder and lightening, and confined spaces—in that order, the current economy has ... Views:2013
It may feel to many of us that we can do little at this point in time to help create peace in the world. However, by just being conscious of our thoughts we might, indeed, be able to move ourselves and the rest of the world just a little bit closer to this goal. We can find peace if we only ... Views:1699
My email box has been filling up with notices about the annual start of National Novel Writing Month ( However, in general, I write nonfiction. If you, like me, consider yourself a nonfiction writer, don’t sit around for the next 30 days twiddling your thumbs and wishing you ... Views:1636