Skin conditions are the conditions that affect the skin. Some of the skin diseases are genetic while the remaining can be caused due to lifestyle factors. Some of the skin diseases are minor, it doesn't affect the skin much like acne, rash and itching but other than that some skin ... Views:14
Today’s unhealthy lifestyle is a major concern these days. Most of us choose an unhealthy lifestyle and due to this unhealthy and poor lifestyle we face many problems related to our health conditions. Due to unhealthy eating habits, many diseases occur, GERD is also one of them. ... Views:26
At present, the lifestyles and eating patterns of people nowaday is one of the most important reasons for several diseases. People are not aware about the harmful consequences of it. These are affecting them not only physically but also mentally and socially. It is a matter of ... Views:143
Tremor is a neurological disorder and it is an overlying factor of many diseases. Tremors usually affect the different parts of the body like hands, arms, head, and larynx causing involuntary and rhythmic shaking. In this disorder, the upper part of the body is more prone than the ... Views:422
Our musculoskeletal system is a complex structure which provides shape and helps in mobility from one place to another as well within the bodily structures. Ligaments, muscles, tendons, bones altogether move over each other to facilitate movements. Now all these structures ... Views:472
Tremor is a neurological disorder and it is an overlying factor of many diseases. Tremors usually affect the different parts of the body like hands, arms, head, and larynx causing involuntary and rhythmic shaking. In this disorder, the upper part of the body is more prone than the ... Views:540
Lyme infection is brought about by four principle types of microorganisms. Borrelia burgdorferi ,Borrelia mayonii are just two of them. The most widely recognized tick-borne ailment in these districts. We should watch out for their bite , known as deer tick through which Lyme ... Views:499
Ayurveda is a more than 5000 years old medicinal system with its roots originating from India. The word “Ayurveda” was derived from Sanskrit language in which Ayus describes “longevity” and Veda describes “relating to knowledge”. Ayurveda is the ... Views:617
Hepatitis can be defined as an inflammatory condition of the liver mostly caused by a viral infection. Hepatitis-causing viruses are mainly of five types which are A, B, C, D and E, but hepatitis can also develop by autoimmune diseases, infections and toxins generated due to ... Views:679
Renal stones are something which are either totally symptom free or if they have symptoms then they are worse than anyone can ever have thought. There is a very funny saying that kidney stones are just your body telling you "Eat ka jawab patthar se". Yes, the phrase is funny but it's ... Views:506
Ayurveda, known as the science of life, is an ancient Indian medicine system that works on the principle that sickness is caused by imbalances in the body constitution. Ayurvedic medicines bring back balance in the natural constitution of the body naturally and without the use of ... Views:570
Despite your constant complaints of those BLOODY days, why are their lenient irregularities bothering us sooo much?
Why is my period late? Is a constant query every girl or woman asks herself. Be it in our puberty or in the twenties or thirties, the absence of periods at the right time really ... Views:468
Oh my God!!!! Bloodstains!!!! I am bleeding….I am about to die….A common thought which has occurred in most of the girl's heads when they menstruate for the first time. It is one of the changing phases of every girl's life. That day everyone looks up to her and says " Now you are a ... Views:603
It's been ages since mankind has been suffering from diseases. Isn't it.?
Be it a normal cold or fever or be it a deadly pandemic taking its toll on human lives, diseases and their pathogenesis has remained a relevant topic worth understanding.
With time, our lifestyles have ... Views:421
Most of us have often searched Google about certain diseases or certain discomforts, which may be just a mild pain in any part of the body. And boom!!! The search result will show you information that leaves us thinking that you might die the very next day.
When we feel pain in the ... Views:449
Advancing age, deposition of more and more toxins in the body makes the body and its cells vulnerable for many auto-immune conditions. Normally the body’s immune system works as the defence mechanism for the various infectious and other pathogens. But the toxins or free radicals, ... Views:506
Nowadays many people are suffering from thrombocytopenia or ITP. This is basically a condition of low platelet count. After listing the name of this disease, few questions arise in the mind of everyone. What are platelets, what is their significance in the body, what are the possible ... Views:695
In today's Briskly growing world, problems like Progressive supranuclear palsy emerge as a social dilemma. We can see some people in the society tend to mistreat senile people with a harsh attitude, at some houses they even send their diseased family member to the "old age ... Views:577
Nonspecific interstitial pneumonia (NSIP) is a rare lung disease that can occur in two forms, i.e. cellular and fibrotic. This disorder is characterized by the inflammation of the walls of the alveoli (lung’s tiny air sac) resulting in dry cough, difficulty in breathing and ... Views:509
Strongyloidiasis is a parasitic infection that usually affects the tropic and subtropic region. It is one of the major soil-transmitted infections hence the people exposed to contaminated soil with infective larvae are more prone to it. When people with bare skin come in contact ... Views:535
Ulcerative Colitis Is A Disease Resulting In Inflammation And Ulcers In The Digestive Tract. Most Affected Area Of The Digestive Tract Is The Innermost Lining Of The Colon And Rectum. Exact Cause Of This Disease Is Still Unknown, It Can Develop In The People Living In A Good ... Views:570
Corticobasal degeneration is a neurological disorder characterized by cell loss and deterioration of areas of the brain. This is a rare neurodegenerative disease in which areas of the brain shrink and nerve cells degenerate and die over time. It generally affects the area of the brain ... Views:806
Wendy Stuart was leading a blessed and healthy life; she had a wonderful family, a bunch of good and supportive friends gathered over her entire lifetime. She’s had a successful and long career in major corporations. But life cannot be so smooth and free of twist and ... Views:682
What is Fatty Liver
It is the condition in which excess fat accumulates in the liver cells. It causes inflammation, scarring or liver failure, if not taken proper care of or remain untreated. Eating excess calories and fats result in accumulation of these fats in liver causing Fatty ... Views:809
बहेड़ा का पेड़ बहुत लम्बा और ऊंचा होता है| बहेड़ा का पेड़ लगभग 17 -से 32 फिट ऊँचा होता है| बहेड़ा पेड़ की छाल लगभग 2 से 2 .50 सेंटीमीटर चौड़ी होती है| बहेड़ा का पेड़ ज्यादातर पहाड़ी जगहों पर अधिक मात्रा में पाया जाता है| बहेड़ा के पत्ते बरगद की पत्ते की तरह होते है| बहेड़ा का पेड़ भारत देश में करीब -करीब ... Views:957
गुड़मार पौधे का परिचय
यह प्राकृतिक पौधा भारत देश में बहुत ज्यादा पाया जाता है। भारत के अलावा गुड़मार का पौधा चीन ,श्रीलंका ,अफ्रीका आदि देशों में अत्यधिक मात्रा में विकसित होता है। यह एक बारहमासी जड़ी बूटी है। इस पौधे का आकार बहुत बड़ा होता है यह पर्वतों पर अत्यधिक मात्रा में विकसित होने वाली ... Views:993
What is SGOT?
SGOT is a test to determine the quantity of Aspartate aminotransferase.
The Aspartate aminotransferase(AST) is an enzyme found in the heart and liver. This enzyme is a protein that helps to stimulate and triggers the chemical reactions that your body needs to function. It is ... Views:864
Heart is an important vital of body and one should take proper care of it with the help of balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. Common causes of heart disease are Depression, Diabetes, alcohol, smoking, obesity, hypertension, and high fat and high sodium diet. Some Disorders related to Heart are ... Views:709
Fibromyalgia is a long term condition that causes musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, sleep, memory and mood issues.It is most common condition affecting soft tissues, muscles and bones not the joints. A diet with low-calorie, high-fiber food and rich in antioxidants can lead to better overall ... Views:743
Bursting of vessels in our circulatory system can cause blood to pool just under the skin is known as Purpura which is a disease.
Another name given to it is known as blood spots or skin hemorrhages, which leads to many problems in the body like minor injuries to fatal ... Views:863
The liver is one of the important organs of our body without which survival of our being is not possible. The weight of liver is 3 pounds and it is a normal size of a football. As living with one kidney is possible, but without proper functioning of the liver is not possible, hence ... Views:2099
"Honeycombing "or Honeycomb lung is an appearance of the lungs seen with widespread fibrosis and the presence of small cystic spaces that are composed of fibrous tissues.
Cystic airspaces produced by respiratory bronchioles give honeycomb appearance on a chest x-ray.
The characteristic ... Views:779
Neurodermatitis is a condition which targets the skin, an itchy patch of skin appears on the skin, which can be itchy and painful also.
Due to irritation when you try to scratch it, it makes it itchier. This itch-scratch cycle causes the affected skin to become more thick and ... Views:862
World's Most Ancient Whole Body Healing System which is commonly known as "Ayurveda – The System of Medicine" was developed more than 3,000 years ago in India. The main aim of Ayurveda is to maintain the health of a healthy individual and to treat the diseased one with the help ... Views:1291
What is Ayurveda
Ayurveda is a branch of health science that prevents or treats health disorders with the help of natural herbs and therapies. In other words, Ayurveda is defined as a type of Alternative medicine, which is a traditional medicine system of India, used to treat ailments by ... Views:853
Ayurvedic being the very natural source for complete healing is one of the best natural gifts on which anybody can strongly rely on. The ayurvedic not only cure but also amazingly sustains life for better longevity of life. To maintain the God-given nature's gift here, there are almost ... Views:881
A Scleroderma Patient Real Story
Pooja suffered from Scleroderma and at first she didn't know anything about this skin trouble, she used to feel pain in her body, felt the stiffness and tightness in the skin , her physical movements were restricted and white patches appeared on her texture, ... Views:1036
Me and My Psoriasis
Mr. Yogesh from Patiala had Psoriasis for the last 4 years. He went to a local doctor first and got his body checked and the doctor diagnosed that he was suffering from Psoriasis. He gives him some medicines that cure him temporarily and he thought he has found the cure. But ... Views:818
A Real Story
Pooja Thakur belongs to Kashipur in UK, an Indian state, her son Himanshu suffered from Proteinuria, his whole body used to swell quite frequently, restricting his physical movements. He was a small kid who loves playing in the gardens like all kids do at his age. He cried a lot ... Views:1047
Cervical spondylosis is an age-related condition in which wear and tear affect the joints and spinal disks present in the neck. The other terms used for cervical spondylosis are neck arthritis or cervical osteoarthritis.
Causes of cervical spondylosis
There are possible causes ... Views:1036
First of all let me introduce myself, I am Esly, living in Guatemala, a Central American country, in fact it is poor country famous for its massive jungles and volcanoes. It is the largest country of Central America, which has huge disparities between rich & poor. 54% of people are ... Views:919
A Disease Appears After you lack Weight
When I was 16 year old beauty, mostly I used to stay with my parents and a younger brother. I had a normal weight, but made me conscious about my weight as mostly I used to watch my figure in a long mirror in my bathroom. I used to watch the other ... Views:840
A Real Story
In 2015, I had a mild pain in my stomach and a minute pain in my lower back. I ignored it, thinking that it must be an IBS problem that I suffered a few years ago. I rang up my family doctor to know exactly what was wrong with my body. I asked him, “is everything fine doc ... Views:846
Fibromyalgia – making the body stiff
The pain that emerges from your muscles, joints and ligaments due to any reason is given an English name called Fibromyalgia. It is believed that 5% population of the world, suffers from it. Many clinicians guaranty to ease the pain, but none is ... Views:1024
How i Healed My Anemia Naturally
Lack of iron in the body is the most common cause of anemia that is presently circulating on this globe, especially in females.
Warning Signs
Iron-deficiency anemia is the most common cause of anemia worldwide. Even I became anemic, I didn't know the ... Views:1078
Recognize the Symptoms of Sarcoidosis
You feel shocked when the symptoms of Sarcoidosis appeared for the first time , you begin guessing why our family doctor didn't make you aware of these in the past. If he would have detected them, I could have taken some medicines to prevent it, instead ... Views:1158
Arthritis mostly begins with the inflammation in the joints, swelling, and pain. Some people also feel redness around the joints that ache. Mostly it happens to the adults who cross 65 years of age but can happen to young and kids too. But it happens mostly to people who have extra ... Views:993
Diabetes, a lot of bad things are narrated by people about it, as this disease doesn't have cure, but insulin needs to be given to the body to treat it. There are many rumors circulating in the gossip circles that being diabetic you get prone to acquiring many more diseases, ... Views:1279
How i got irritable bowel syndrome
Before I tell you about anything else on IBS, let me tell you about its symptoms and how these affect your physical personality. I was one of them who faced this worst nightmare that can scare the guts out of you and make you feel embarrassed in the eyes of ... Views:954
When one gets extremely sad about anything like love, studies, business, job or there are many problems and challenges that one faces during his/her lifetime. It all depends on person to person, how you accept the challenge, you might surrender before it or are able to grab the horns of the ... Views:972