In the current job market, it is a very frustrating task for many, especially for new entrants who have just graduated and are looking to enter a job. When you complete your graduation, you will be tagged as a fresher. There is a common myth “you should be experienced to find a job with at least ... Views:656
A leader is someone who can see things from a different perspective, have the improvement ability, and rallies people to move toward that better vision. There is a proverb that “Leaders are not born, they are made”. But this cannot be agreed upon in all cases. This may be corrected in the ... Views:440
You will find a few people in the world who accept a position at a company with an intention of staying in the same role forever. Even if you love your responsibilities in your job, that particular time may come when you will feel ready to move on with new responsibilities. But remember one ... Views:537
A good photographer provide a friendly environment to the expectant parents for their maternity photoshoot. During the photography, it’s imperative to remember to have fun and enjoy the session. Your interaction with the expectant parents will either increase or lessen their experience and how ... Views:475