Have you lost your direction in life?
Doubts about the meaning of what you are doing?
You have an inner "CEO"
All successful companies formulate their Vision and their Mission, sometimes termed as Business Plan, Our Vision, Our Core Idea or similar expressions.
The successful CEO makes ... Views:1440
Learn self-hypnosis, an easy, predictable and powerful tool for self-growth.
In coaching or therapy at PsykosyntesForum (http://psykosyntesforum.se) we often use methods for working directly on a subconscious level. It can be inner visualizations, subconscious reprogramming, methods from CST ... Views:1508
Allergy always has a physiological/medical cause.
Allergy has always a physiological / body chemical source. Foreign microscopic particles enter our body and activate our immune system, causing different symptoms like swollen mucous membranes, skin rash, inflammation. When this occurs with a ... Views:1283
Binaural beats are auditory brainstem responses which originate in the superior olivary nucleus of each hemisphere. They result from the interaction of two different auditory impulses, originating in opposite ears, below 1000 Hz and which differ in frequency between one and 30 Hz (Oster, ... Views:2212
Dyslexia can be a conditioned way of acting
Dyslexia has in many cases been shown to be caused by a subconsciously learnt behavior where the memory is accessed in a neurologically inefficient or even dysfunctional way. The access mechanism does in these cases not utilize the whole capacity of ... Views:1994
Learn to release limiting emotions gracefully : The e-course RELEASE THE EMOTION.
Emotions can limit you :
Emotions fulfill an important function.
Without emotions we would not be fully alive.
They sometimes have a life of their own, and we are not always in control of them.
This is ... Views:1866
Learn to empower yourself by shifting your inner focus: The e-course MENTAL FRAMES.
Our thoughts govern our inner state
For the most time, we are not aware of our thought patterns - our thoughts just are there and we seldom reflect on how they affect us, emotionally and ... Views:1324
Learn to be more present by increasing your visual acuity : About the e-book CONSCIOUS VISION.
Conscious Presence
You have probably come by descriptions and course offers about Conscious Presence. Many of these descriptions focus on the attitude Conscious Presence, and on different mental ... Views:1372
I re-programmed my sub-conscious mind and I now speak completely fluently.
Speech Block
For a stutterer, certain situations can be extremely stressful: you come to an office, enter into the reception and a beautiful woman walks up to you, greets you and asks you to feel welcome.
And ... Views:2276
From the very beginning of our life we encounter problems that we try to find solutions to. Even a new-born baby needs to do this, for example in order to establish contact with key persons so that the baby´s basic needs can be met. The surrounding, the situations and one´s basic personality ... Views:3530
Learn how to do more using less energy: The e-course ETT - Eliminate the Time Thieves
Inefficiency leads to stress
We often try to handle stress in our work by learning "stress coping", and there are many courses available in this field. Many of these are useful and necessary. But, they ... Views:1450