Perhaps you’ve seen photos of your friends or of you containing orbs. Some are quite simple, appearing like a thousand light bulbs suspended in the air. Others are quite complex, with intricate designs and shapes. So what are “orbs?” You’ll be intrigued by the answers I received in my ... Views:1688
For the past five years I have communicated telepathically with a member of my soul group or “cluster,” who’s having a life on a water planet in the Sirius B Star System. The majority of people believe in telepathy, and even universities, such as Duke University, have done experiments with two ... Views:1864
There has been much misinformation published regarding the discovery of the Bosnian Pyramids, not far from Sarajevo. I wish to present my findings both from a spiritual standpoint and from attending a lecture given by the founder of the pyramids, Dr. sci. Semir (Sam) Osmanagich.
For my ... Views:1191
Exit strategy you might ask after an earthquake? Why not just have 3 days, one week, or even a month of goods on hand and ride it out? After all, the local, state and U.S. governments will step in and restore water and electricity, right?
Yes, IF it is just a localized event. But if you ... Views:2267
As we get older, one of the things we must face are more trips to a hospital for any variety of reasons. This happened to me recently when I went in for arthroscopic knee surgery to repair a torn cartilage brought on by years of skiing. After a vacation this past September to Orlando’s ... Views:1096
There has been much misinformation published regarding the discovery of the Bosnian Pyramids, not far from Sarajevo. I wish to present my findings both from a spiritual standpoint and from attending a lecture given by the founder of the pyramids, Dr. sci. Semir (Sam) Osmanagich.
For my ... Views:1399
Imagine for a minute if heaven was an international corporation. Then we would be able to explain a lot of misconceptions people have.
First we would have a brilliant CEO (Creative Executive Officer) such as Steve Jobs, whose creations and innovations are different from all the other ... Views:1126
During meditation, I’ve been given predictions of events to come by both Gaia, soul of the earth, and my own Guardian Angel, whom I named Theo. But I noticed that not only the predictions given to me, but to trance channels and psychics seemed to be hit and miss. In my case, some events would ... Views:1820
Perhaps you’ve asked yourself how can we raise the vibrational level of everyone in order to lift ourselves to a fifth dimensional level? Well it’s actually much easier than you can imagine—so easy that many will not believe it can be so simple.
If you can imagine a huge ladder going all the ... Views:1962
June will again launch another SUMMER OF LOVE. This phrase will originally coined in the summer of 1967 when a flood of young people traveled to San Francisco to experience communal living, free medical services, and free love. There was a second Summer of Love in 1969, forty years ago this ... Views:1310
Have you ever pondered the question of what exactly is a Guardian Angel? I know I did. So when I was able to communicate with my own Guardian Angel during what I call “active” meditations, I had lots of questions to ask. Here are some basics.
Guardian Angels are ... Views:979
There are tools that you can use for having abundance in your life that you might not be aware of. They include: astrology, recording dreams, meditating, requesting Benevolent Outcomes, and expecting great things. Here’s how I’ve utilized them.
When I was 17, I decided I wanted to ... Views:1037
About twelve years ago I learned how to speak with my Guardian Angel and to often receive immediate feedback that the requests I made were answered. I found that this put me on a more gentle path in life, so I would like to give you some suggestions on how your Guardian Angel can assist you to ... Views:1990
Twelve years ago I learned I could request Benevolent Outcomes for specific events in my life, from very simple ones to very involved and complex events in both my personal and business lives. For those of you reading about Benevolent Outcomes for the first time, these are specific requests FOR ... Views:1277
Since I learned through my meditation that I'm supposed to encourage other people to meditate, I've heard a number of excuses why someone doesn't. They all lead to the same general conclusion--it's boring! Please understand that I didn't start meditating until July of 2005, so I had the same ... Views:1016
If you are like most people, you consider your pets to be part of your family. You love them and receive much love in return, and you distress when they become ill or lost for even a short time. Below I’m going to give you some unique suggestions on lowering your stress level when events seem ... Views:1199