We all have very challenging, difficult people in our lives. While they often bring up LOTS of stuff for each of us to look at and clear and thus be a good influence ultimately upon us – sometimes the person and situation may become abusive and toxic. So where do you draw the line?
The ... Views:2632
I find it very ironic that so many people I know on the spiritual path often struggle so much with money. I feel in many ways that it is far more spiritual to be abundant than to be struggling financially. When Jesus said the Kingdom of GOD is within us what I feel he meant is that our ... Views:2705
1. Understand How People, Events and Activities Influences YOU Energetically
Everything we do and everyone we interact with has an energy signature. There are three ways we respond to the energy of the people, events and activities in our life.
Usually we are neutral ... Views:2068
“You don't forgive others to let them off the hook. You forgive yourself and others so that you can clear, heal, transmute and dissolve the emotional wounding, trauma, harm and damage that close your heart.
“Release the need for drama! The soap opera aspects of our lives are like the ... Views:1958
“The way the Law of Attraction works is that whatever you focus your mental energy and attention on magnified by emotion is multiplied. So when you worry about money you are focusing mental energy on lack and scarcity magnified by fear and anxiety and this magnetizes even more lack and scarcity ... Views:1980
In my earlier years whenever I had a negative experience where I got hurt or wounded, I would look back on that event and beat up on myself for making a mistake.
But as I look back on these events now I realize that there really are no "mistakes." Each of these events had a purpose behind it. I ... Views:2611
“Balance is so very important for people on the spiritual path. Many people I have observed on the path focus so intently on spiritual growth that they ignore the needs of their bodies; experience out of control emotions; and operate from the ego mind. We are here to ground the energy of Spirit ... Views:2591
“You don't forgive others to let them off the hook. You forgive yourself and others so that you can clear, heal, transmute and dissolve the emotional wounding, trauma, harm and damage that closes your heart.”
“When you begin to change or fine-tune your lifestyle, make gradual adjustments and ... Views:2469
I have noticed over the years that whenever I give something purely from my heart (NOT my head or not with intent to receive) that very soon thereafter I would receive something nice back usually within two hours. At first I thought it was coincidence but it happens all the time which suggests ... Views:2552
When you become trained as a healer, usually you do not get an operating manual about how to create your practice. But I really encourage all healers and people interested in pursuing a healing or teaching or world service role to create a vision statement or business plan or statement of ... Views:2004
Often in schools and movies and books, you see classroom scenes where students are made to write down on chalk on the blackboard or on paper using pens a statement over and over again often as a punishment like “I will never lie or cheat or steal or whatever…” It even played a prominent part in ... Views:2018
I have been on the spiritual path for over twenty years now. And when I began out on the path many years ago, I explored every New Age and metaphysical bookstore I could find. I bought crystals and energy tools; explored the mysteries of Tarot and the Kabala; experimented with many types of ... Views:1465
In my last physical my blood sugar level was higher than where I would like to see it and when I meditated upon what was causing it to go up, I got that I was drinking too much soda. So over the last two months I have been making a very challenging transition of moving from drinking a lot of ... Views:1672
Long, long ago, God/Goddess created a lovely world and when they thought about what the soul purpose of the world would be, they decided that it would become a school where highly evolved beings from all over Creation could come to learn how to love, trust and accept themselves, others and ... Views:2820
I have been thinking a lot about the spiritual growth process and I thought I would share. I think that what enlightenment really involves is accepting the light that already exists within each of us and in every one and every thing. Of course we have created many layers and blockages to prevent ... Views:2368
I have read hundreds and hundreds of books about personal finances, from the conventional world of financial planning, to the trendy how-to-get-rich programs to the New Age gurus of money. But here’s what’s missing from nearly all of them: VERY FEW of them even mention about our relationship ... Views:2811
These are practices that I do whenever I am trying to release a pattern that no longer serves my highest good. I am using smoking as an example but you can fill in any other habit instead of smoking like drinking, drugs and other addictive behaviors. It is easier to release old patterns and ways ... Views:3984
First of all I want to acknowledge how hard it is to truly forgive the people in our lives who have hurt and wounded us the most. And what is hardest of all is that the people who wound us the most tend to be the people we most loved in our lives.
However, I also want to acknowledge that ... Views:1981