Like when we were all Farmers, Carpenters, Tailors and Doctors etc..These titles also served as ways to earn our livelihoods. They are in truth professionals and as such to paraphrase the owners of "Living Jobs and Living Companies" with diplomas and certification to validate their expertise in ... Views:1881
Many over the years have asked what’s behind this fascination I have with anagrams. Asking...Why? “I say your Life is your File.”
I guess I have a lot of reasons that I first made that statement and I could go, on and on pontificating, on man’s true purpose of this life, which we lead here on ... Views:1572
Do you find yourself pinching pennies, just to make ends meet in today’s economy? Or are you one of those people who are all about the “Benjamin’s” and you don’t have time to talk about small change. Well let me just put in my two cents into this discussion of your financial future.
Ben ... Views:1561
I really must apologize for not putting in my two cents earlier, but it’s not too late. Believe it or not I thought you knew, but just in case you don’t. Here is the “411” on saving pennies, As a home- based business can work for you. Do you remember the old attach;
"A Penny Saved is a Penny ... Views:1408