Conscious Astral Travel
Firstly conscious astral travel or astral projection is an intentional out of body experience (OBE). Via an aspect of soul that is termed the “ astral body “. Which is soul, mental body and emotional body without the physical body. Which can separate from the physical ... Views:691
How to meditate for enlightenment
Insight meditation is the pathway of discovery to find the truth. Which is how to meditate for enlightenment. Increased soul energy flow leads to the expression of love wisdom. Everything that is learned on an inner level; can be applied to our every day ... Views:796
Insight Meditation summary is a complete record; of all the essential features. Which the newly meditating practitioner needs to know beforehand. When practicing insight meditation for the first time; it is easier to gain a solid start by participating within a group. This insight meditation ... Views:818
An Ashram is a spiritual hermitage or monastery. It is where one goes for spiritual instruction. Ashram learn about insight meditation and how life works. This is in addition to learning about how to practice serious meditation, which is insight meditation. Serious disciplined meditation ... Views:616
This article explains how awareness may be utilized differently during meditation practice when compared with the Goenka reported Vipassana Meditation doctrine.
This is the one choice, which is before us all. When part knowledge is presented as whole knowledge; this will lead to an inevitable ... Views:1483
This article presents a very simple and easy to understand message for all who wish to escape any medical problem.
How many of average humanity have the awareness that every medical symptom is a sign post or message from life. All the clinical symptoms of every degenerative disease will ... Views:1492
An explanation of why counseling services alone will never produce long term sustainable improvements in human behavior. Insight meditation is the only way to access the deeper levels of the mind in a completely conscious way, which will lead to holistic energy healing. Even hypnosis alone will ... Views:1341
This article describes the necessary steps, which need to be taken in order to achieve holistic healing.
The secret to a successful life is contained within the application of three simple steps, which are firstly study to gain knowledge, secondly to practice Insight meditation to invoke ... Views:1629
No one will ever achieve the surrender or non reactive state by listening to any enlightened person talking about this way of being. This state or energy level can only ever be achieved by taking the very same steps that the enlightened person needed to take! This article is a detailed ... Views:1681