Wellness is first and foremost a choice to assume responsibility for the quality of our own life.
It begins with a conscious decision to shape a healthy lifestyle. Wellness is a mindset, a predisposition to adopt a series of key principles in varied life areas that lead to high levels of ... Views:1846
Purification the key to optimum health and vitality…
If you have or do suffer from diarrhoea, constipation, IBS, stomach pain, diverticulitis, severe gas and bloating, weight gain, chronic fatigue, acid reflux, parasites, hair and skin problems as well as other common difficult ailments which ... Views:1402
Have you ever wondered if the diseases raging through our society have a common cause? Many doctors, herbalists and nutritionists believe that the explanation may come down to three words;
Acid - Alkaline Imbalance
Over acidity can become a dangerous condition that weakens all body systems ... Views:8023
Purification: The Foundation of Optimum Health and Vitality
How Do You Feel When You Wake Up In The Morning?
Do you wish you had ... restored vitality ... a strong libido……more mental clarity ... clear skin ... reduced weight ….a stronger immune system ... ... Views:1758
Beauty really is skin deep
If we said goodbye, to cooked, fried and processed foods, foods that are generally served in today’s hotels, restaurants and households and if we opted for a healthy raw food diet many of us could turn back the hands of time. Raw foods can help you to look younger, ... Views:1408
Corporate Wellness Hits an All Time High by Deborah Williamson Puriti.org
As work becomes more deskbound the dreadful trend towards the global workforce becoming fatter, sicker and less productive due to chronic health conditions such as heart disease, fatigue and diabetes are ... Views:1448