There may arise a question in one's mind that why is there a need to teach children to use abacus or to teach them solving arithmetical problems using abacus in this time of advanced technology. But the fact is that even if the advancements are made in the technology making it possible for human ... Views:2022
Abacus is an ancient Chinese calculator. Abacus is also considered to be forefather of computers as all the computer algorithms are based on this age old tool. It was founded 2000 years ago and is universally used.
This concept is popular in China, Malaysia, and Australia and now in India. ... Views:2381
It is proven fact that the Left part of the brain plays a dominant role in the analytical processes, while creative processes mainly take place in the Right part. It is important to realize, however, that this is not a black and white picture, set in stone. In fact, all brain processes take ... Views:4178
Abacus is a word with which the parents of children of the age between 5 t0 14 are fairly acquainted these days. This has happened as the several players in the market have opened up their abacus franchisee centers in all the major cities of India.
As per the available data there could be ... Views:1561