The normal answer is, if you are asking the question then it is already a problem. True it is a bit of cliché but unfortunately it is also true. People seldom raise the issue to someone outside the relationship until they can no longer ignore it. You may have thought that there is a problem. ... Views:1719
People who live with an alcoholic have a tendency to spend a considerable amount (if not all) of their time trying to manage the alcoholic. They are trying to anticipate whether he will drink, when, how much and what the outcome will be. Or if he has already started drinking then they are ... Views:2167
Are you one of many people who live with someone who drinks heavily? Do you wonder whether your partner is an alcoholic. Well you are certainly not alone. For many people living with problem drinkers means agony and confusion wondering whether their partner is actually an alcoholic or whether ... Views:2010
In the last article we discussed the need to detach from the alcoholic. In this article we will discuss how to detach, what it means and how to achieve it successfully.
When you live with an alcoholic, almost inevitably, you become caught up in his drinking behavior. You will find yourself ... Views:5408
If you live with an alcoholic you will almost certainly feel shame. Some people will experience it to a very high level others less so but almost everyone who lives with an alcoholic experiences it to some degree. You will probably feel anxious that people will discover your secret, that they ... Views:2938
Treatment for people with addiction problems, particularly in a residential rehab, is notoriously expensive. The fees for such treatments often run into thousands of pounds or dollars a month. Unfortunately, most people who have addiction problems cannot afford such expensive treatments, and ... Views:1613
You know that you have got a problem with booze when:
1 before every party or social occasion your partner asks you “not to drink too much tonight”.
2 you feel that everyone in your company drinks too slowly or doesn’t know how to let their hair down and have a good time ... Views:2150
“The two pillars of 'political correctness' are:
a) willful ignorance
b) a steadfast refusal to face the truth”
George MacDonald
Last week (19/05/06) Sandra Kanck, an MP in Australia, stood up in Parliament and told the house that ecstasy “is not a dangerous drug” and “could have been used ... Views:1671