Many of us suffer from pain, either physical or emotional. Usually, we define pain as anything that causes hurt, aching, soreness, or tenderness. Essentially, we associate it with something that is not pleasing. However, what exactly is pain? Furthermore, is there a way to successfully overcome it?

True Definition of Pain
You may not know the original derivation of the word pain , but it comes from the Greek word poine . If you look up the word in the dictionary, it will state the word is derived from the Latin word poena . However, Latin or Roman mythology consistently borrowed terms from Greece. The words poine and poena literally mean:

  • pain (bodily or mental suffering);
  • punishment (to inflict a penalty for an offense);
  • retribution (just or suitable return for evil deeds);
  • recompense (to repay or make up for);
  • vengeance (infliction of pain or loss on another in return for injury or offense); or
  • penalty (punishment for a crime or offense).

You may be surprised to learn that the Greek goddess of revenge, Poini, was sent to punish mortals who angered the gods. She was sent to inflict punishment, retribution, vengeance and a penalty for the crime of murder or manslaughter. It is a crime of offense.

To offend someone, you must feel you have wronged or displeased either another or yourself. However, to have done so, you must believe you are not equal to them. In other words, a condition has been set up where you place yourself or another person either in an inferior position, or above in a superior role. This effectively is a state of judgment. Therefore, could you concede that you may subconsciously associate pain or suffering due to a feeling of unworthiness because you feel either inferior or superior?

Reason for Current Thought Patterns
However, why would you not feel equal to anyone else? Could it be that parents, teachers, and structured religions have unknowingly taught you such? In addition, how could they? Consider your spiritual training. How many of you have been told that God is everywhere, yet you must be saved to be in His presence. If God were everywhere, would it not stand to reason that He is also within you? Furthermore, if that is the case, why must you be saved to be with Him, as He is already within?

What is the answer?
What is the answer to overcoming pain and suffering? Only by considering yourself equal can this be accomplished. Instead of thinking, you are outside of God, and therefore, separate and unworthy, try an alternative approach. A spiritual teacher named Charles Crooks has often expressed the following, "You are part of the whole and not separate." Reflecting on this statement, it offers a way to eradicate feelings of wrongdoing and fault, whereby you are worthy because you are not separate. Furthermore, when you feel you are worthy, pain and suffering can be dissolved.

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This article was written by Cindy L. Herb and may be reproduced on any related website provided the text is not changed in any form and this copyright statement is displayed unedited in its entirety at the foot of the article and you use the exact same HTML code to ensure a clickable link back to the author's site. Further articles are also available. Contact the author for more information. Copyright 2009 Cindy L. Herb, . All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Author's Bio: 

Cindy L. Herb, author of Awakening the Spirit: The Open Wide Like a Floozy Chronicles , specializes in Mind, Body, and Spirit healing, and Physical/Sexual Abuse Recovery. As an inspirational speaker, Cindy L. Herb offers others an alternative approach to healing from any trauma, allowing people to view life's tribulations as an opportunity for spiritual growth. . To download your FREEreport, Some Helpful Steps to Healing , please visit the author's website.