“The Center for Mind Brain Balance” was established to bridge the gap between a person’s psychological and emotional needs versus their brain-based or physical imbalances that are so often overlooked.

Founded in 2004 in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, “The Center for Mind Brain Balance” actually started business as “A Light of Hope”. Through the years we have expanded in the region evolving from our original counseling roots into the ever more demanding and exciting Brainwave Assessment and Regulation. In easier to understand terms, we are the leading providers in Brain Training and Neurofeedback.

Not only have we become leading pioneers in brain training technologies, but we are also proud to offer the Full "qEEG" Gold Standard 19channel Brainwave Assessment. For a complete list of our services, please visit the Services section of our newest website, . Join our many clients from across the country in finding your own optimum Health & Happiness !

“The Center for Mind Brain Balance”

See you soon! The MBB Team

Administrative Office:N19 W24400 Riverwood Drive, Suite 350, Pewaukee, WI 53188

Assessment & Training Center:3960 Hillside Drive, Suite 105, Delafield, WI 53018

Satellite Offices Coming Soon!

Phone: 414.429.1516 | |
© 2004 – 2017 | All Rights Reserved.

Understanding QEEG Brain Mapping

“Problems cannot be solved with the same mindset that created them.”― Albert Einstein

We believe Albert Einstein was right – as human beings, we need to expand our knowledge about the tools available to us if we truly want to find solutions to our problems. For many of us, we wake up one morning, look in the mirror and realize that we have suddenly hit a “wall” or a “tipping point” where something must change in our daily lives. First of all, do not despair, as you are by no means, alone. This is not merely a random, or for that matter an exclusive thought, and if you look in the right places, there is always HELP!


Let us begin by offering a simple explanation of qEEG (QEEG) Brain Mapping. According to our friends at qEEG Support, “Electroencephalography (EEG) is the measurement of electrical patterns at the surface of the scalp which reflect cortical activity, and are commonly referred to as “brainwaves”. Quantitative EEG (qEEG) is the analysis of the digitized EEG, and in lay terms this sometimes is also called “Brain Mapping”. The qEEG is an extension of the analysis of the visual EEG interpretation which may assist and even augment our understanding of the EEG and brain function.”

By the way, before I go any further, let me just clear the air regarding the difference between lower case "q" in qEEG or upper case “Q” in QEEG? Ready? There is NO DIFFERENCE. Do I have you confused yet? Don’t be!

Now then, what does the “Q” actually mean? The “Q” in QEEG stands for the quantitative analysis performed to the raw EEG data collected. Wow, that’s a mouthful. Psychologists and Neurotherapists utilize additional software programs to identify areas of the brain that are under or over-activated, and look for correlations of these brain patterns that have been documented in psychological and behavioral concerns.

QEEG Brain Mapping, or to be more precise, Quantitative Electroencephalography, is a procedure that processes the recorded EEG activity from a multi-electrode recording using a computer. “This multi-channel EEG data is processed with various algorithms, such as the “Fourier” classically, or in more modern applications “Wavelet” analysis). The digital data is statistically analyzed, sometimes comparing values with “normative” database reference values. The processed EEG is commonly converted into color maps of brain functioning called “Brain maps”.” It is also important to note, that these activities are measured simultaneously, so that your provider can understand precisely how the brain works as a whole.

Following the “Brain Map” procedure (which by the way is absolutely painless), your expert providers will interpret the EEG and the resulting qEEG information. With this vital clinical tool, they can then evaluate brain function and track changes in the brain due to different interventions such as neurofeedback.

OK, now that you have read the official versions, perhaps it is possible to reduce all this clinical data down to the lowest common denominator (remember seventh grade fractions?) thereby allowing us laypersons to better understand what qEEG and Brain Mapping are all about.

Secondly, regarding the qEEG Brain Mapping or just “Brain Map”, it is important to understand that our brain is like our engine. It determines how we think, feel, and act. The Brain Mapping analysis provides an objective account of our brain's functioning, and offers a starting point for balancing one’s brain. As an example, a brain struggling with too much or too little activity in any region can limit one’s happiness, productivity , and self-esteem .

Now then, let us briefly explore some of the nuts n’ bolts or more commonly asked questions of qEEG and Brain Mapping, or to be more specific the Equipment, Assessment and Analysis.

I. The Equipment:Most clinicians use “brain caps” that fit on the head with the leads sewn in at precise locations, referred to as The International 10-20 System. This configuration allows doctors and clinicians the opportunity to talk about the same thing, and identify areas of the brain just by looking at a report.

After this brain cap is placed upon the head, conductive gel is applied to the sensors. This helps make contact between the scalp and the lead sensor that is sending data to the EEG machine. This brain map provides us a baseline to work from while we retrain the brain.

II. The Assessment:EEG recordings can be 5 minutes or 24 hours, depending on what is being tested. In the clinical world, 5-10 minute assessments are common, whereby there may be multiple runs (several 5-10 minute tests back to back) that compare and contrast brainwave activity. For example, looking at the brain eyes open; eyes closed; and maybe performing a math or reading task are quite common.

Once the doctor or clinician is done with the brain mapping process, they will remove the cap from your head, or each individual lead if they don’t use a cap. You are then free to wash the gel out of your hair. But don’t worry, the most common solution, Electrogel, is water soluble. Personally, I’ve already had it in my hair for a clinical study I was doing for over 4 hours and it still came right out with minimal effort.

III. The Analysis:
Depending on the speed and reporting, most qEEG assessments run this raw EEG data just collected through several different software programs and normative databases.

First, we will discuss the databases. The raw EEG that was captured and then converted into digital format is now imported into a software analysis database for further clinical review. In addition, the software can check different brainwave ratios that correlate with ADD , depression, anxiety , trauma, etc. Colorful maps can also be printed showing the entire head at each frequency the brain operates at – a great roadmap for Neurofeedback, audiovisual entrainment, and other brain balancing methods.

With this data, the raw EEG, and the quantitative assessment, your provider can then make an educated decision on how to balance the client’s brain. For qEEG assessments that show little inner brain abnormalities, Neurofeedback may be an option. For cases where there are both cortical and inner brain imbalances or abnormalities, medications, brainwave entrainment, and audio visual entrainment or CES (cranial electro-stimulation) may be an option.

Basic Facts About Different Brain Maps

• All brain maps are EEG recordings of brainwave activity at particular sites across the scalp.

• There exists an internationally recognized placement of 19 sites or channels across the entire head, which all should be measured.

• Basic brain maps measure amplitude or the “volume” of the brainwaves.

• More advanced qEEG brain maps analyze coherence, or the “speed of connectivity” between the sites in addition to amplitude data.

• More recently, an even deeper level of analysis, called LORETA imaging, can now look deeper beyond amplitude and coherence measures.

What else should I know?Many clients are confused by offices and centers that claim to offer “QEEG” Brain Mapping, but in actuality are doing what is more commonly referred to as a “mini-Q” Brain Map. Just to be clear, there is a tremendous difference between the two.

Studies have continually shown that a minimum of 19 locations is required to accurately map our brain function. More is better but anything less than the desirable 19 locations will not provide sufficient resolution. This is why qEEG Brain Mapping has risen to the top and is now considered the “Gold Standard” within the industry.

It is important to take note that “the mini-Q measures only 2 to 4 sites on the head at a time, while a full qEEG measures at least 19 sites on the head simultaneously. So for a mini-Q to measure 19 sites, it has to be repeated 5 times in sequence if a 4 channel measurement device is used. It would have to be repeated 10 times if a 2 channel measurement device is used.

The problem with such sequential measurement is that while you are recording 4 sites, you do not have a clue what is happening at the other 15 or more sites. To say the least, this can give a very misleading picture of what’s going on in the brain.

“In a full qEEG, at least 19 sites on the head are measured and recorded simultaneously. This simultaneous measurement is crucial as it allows us as providers to have a good idea on how we use our brain and what goes on when we are engaged on a task. For example: If one location of the brain shows excessive neural activities while on task, we can assess if the other 18 or more sites are affected by this excessive activities. This cannot be done with the mini-Q.

For some reason, the mini-Q measures EEG data only for 1 minute (60 sec). This amount of data is far too little to do a rigorous statistical analysis. This is because the recording will usually contain noise, interference's or signals which are not EEG or brain waves, such as eye blinks or movements. These non-EEG signals must be removed before any analysis can be done to assess brain function. Having these contaminants will distort the analysis and lead to a wrong conclusion. So with 60 seconds of raw data, the amount of left data after removal of the contaminants can be insufficient for a good analysis. This can result in arriving at a wrong conclusion.”


It is important to remember that “the qEEG does not assess the structure of the brain, but rather, evaluates the manner in which a particular person’s brain functions. It is not designed to diagnose tumors, epilepsy, or other structural medical conditions, but rather, gives us the ability to view the dynamic changes taking place throughout the brain during processing tasks and assist in determining which areas of the brain are fully engaged and processing efficiently.”

In summation, far be it for me to say that you must have a full qEEG. There are certainly a number of clinicians in the field of Neurotherapy who do not perform a full qEEG prior to designing a clinical intervention . These providers, to the best of my knowledge are currently practicing well within the established guidelines for this rapidly evolving field. And many within this group follow customary protocols which are used on all clients. It may be considered less than optimal by many Neurotherapists and other colleagues currently in the field, but it is certainly not unethical.

Nevertheless, we see the field of Neurofeedback progressively moving toward the encouragement and use of performing a full qEEG, and with good reason. In addition, there is an ever-increasing groundswell of evidence that there is a positive treatment impact from the use of a full qEEG and the subsequent customized Neurofeedback intervention .

Let me share what a gifted colleague says regarding why a full qEEG is needed before you start Neurofeedback. Dr. Daniel Amen, a physician, double board certified psychiatrist and Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association fully supports the use of qEEG brain assessments in developing a base understanding for all clients. He has gone on record to say, “The brain is the only organ we do not examine before we treat it.” It is indeed significant and valuable that we have Dr. Amen as a pioneer and trusted friend bridging the clinical world with the medical world.

Perhaps it just comes down to plain old-fashioned common sense and a little bit of fact-finding on your part to make good decisions involving you, your family and your overall health and well-being. My family was always fond of using old clichés, so perhaps things can best be summed up by one of the many truisms my mother used to say, “In life there are no free rides; you get what you pay for!”

I hope this abbreviated version in some way was able to help you appreciate the difficult and challenging world of qEEG, Brain Mapping and Neurofeedback. For further information and a far more comprehensive understanding please visit us by following the link and information provided in this article.

Yours in Health & Happiness !

Kyle S. Ferroly

Founder & President
Mind Brain Balance

Wishing You the Best in Health & Happiness !

The Mind Brain Balance Team

Administrative Office:N19 W24400 Riverwood Drive, Suite 350, Pewaukee, WI 53188

Assessment & Training Center:3960 Hillside Drive, Suite 105, Delafield, WI 53018

Satellite Offices Coming Soon!

Phone: 414.429.1516 | |
© 2004 – 2017 | All Rights Reserved.

Author's Bio: 


“The brain is the only organ that we don’t look at before we treat it.” – Dr. Daniel Amen... It is this singular idea that has prompted Kyle S. Ferroly to spend all his working hours pursuing the reasons why people struggle with their thoughts, emotions and behaviors. In his own words, Mr. Ferroly has spent a lifetime “trying to uncover why some people are just stuck.”

As a child, Kyle was already deeply interested in the “why” questions and the field of Psychology. But as time went on, his inner compassion and insatiable curiosity also began to ask the “what” and the “how”.

His winding journey continued when he spent the first decade in the field of Mental Health, listening, learning, watching and understanding, all the while helping children and adults to live happier, healthier lives. Ultimately he realized there had to be more to helping others than simply talk therapy. It was at this crucial time that he became fascinated with the field of Neuroscience and its deeper, and yes, more complex explanation of human behaviors, emotions and thought processes.

In 2004, he founded his first company, “A Light of Hope”, which offered counseling services as well as supplemental audio programs to those transitioning away from traditional therapy. Kyle then became nationally certified in Neurofeedback in 2008 and started his second company, “Inner Rhythms” offering his clientele a chance to help their brain work more efficiently.

Finally in 2014, Kyle’s unique blending of Neuroscience with Counseling and Psychology culminated in his newest, and yes, his proudest endeavor to date, “Mind Brain Balance”. “The Center for Mind Brain Balance” addresses the clinical or mental health components as well as the more biologically-based brainwave mapping and training.Kyle’s real passion is showing people how one’s brain health can alter and determine the bigger picture; how they think, act, and feel. This in turn allows many people the chance to understand the root cause behind their struggles and symptoms.

Kyle Ferroly MA has also made an ongoing commitment to always incorporate the latest techniques available. To that end, Kyle received his Masters of Educational Psychology in 2004 with a focus on Community Counseling from the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee. He is a Master’s level Mental Health Therapist and is nationally certified through BCIA in Neurofeedback as well as C.E.T. certified with Mind Alive, completing the Clinical Hypnotherapy program from the Robert Shields College in 2005.

Kyle also continues his life-long pursuit of higher education by currently completing studies in the Psychophysiology Ph.D. program at Saybrook University. In addition, he continues his advanced EEG training by partnering with top professionals in the field including Jay Gunkelman, QEEGD, and Dr. Joel Lubar, PhD.

Yours in Health & Happiness!

Kyle S. Ferroly

Administrative Office:N19 W24400 Riverwood Drive, Suite 350, Pewaukee, WI 53188

Assessment & Training Center:3960 Hillside Drive, Suite 105, Delafield, WI 53018

Satellite Offices Coming Soon!

Phone: 414.429.1516 | |
© 2004 – 2017 | All Rights Reserved.