A window into the net, website has been around the way for decades since Google joined the game in around 1998 to navigate people to the best answer. Google came up with the idea how to find the world’s information easier and started to dictate the rules which compelled designers to build websites in a certain way to be positioned at the top of Google’s search result.Nowadays, the landscape is changing and there is a trend showing that websites cannot avoid future transformations either. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that companies should think about all the means to become a part of the web-system but, for starters, their websites have to accommodate to the constantly changing digital world.

1. Simple, Portable and Fast

Websites that deliver services should adapt to the needs and expectations of users and become simple, portable and fast. They also have to be both useful and interesting, responsive and human-like in the future. The point is that companies need to introduce the initial changes as fast as possible to retain customers and then thoroughly consider which way to take to tap into the new opportunities on the e-market and increase their presence on the web.

2. Mobile Apps

Currently, there are things that have all the potential to transform the internet. They are mobile apps, featured snippets, voice, virtual reality or augmented reality. Mobile app usage obviously dominates, so mobile app development is a must in the modern world. Statistics of 2017 show that people spent 87% of the time online using mobile apps. No wonder that with the features mobile apps offer, faster speed, and convenient user-friendly interface, the utilization of applications is skyrocketing.

3. Social Media

More and more small businesses turn their attention to Facebook or Instagram business pages, as nowadays it is the easiest way to reach the target customers. Hosting content on a social network dramatically simplifies the experience of the potential consumer. This is the case when simplicity means more satisfaction, better relationship with the company and, eventually, brand loyalty. However, even though social network pages are a good start for young companies, the business owners with the long-lasting goals know that a solid brand needs a solid website built by professional website developers .

4. Featured snippets

Google continues leading innovation and the popularity of it’s comparatively new search function featured snippets is growing fast. With featured snippets, users don’t need to click on the listing, in response to a search query, Google shows them the quick direct answer at the top of the search results. Due to the increasing interest and attention to the section, featured snippets have a fair chance for the glory days, and queries that are not triggering them nowadays will succeed in the future.

5. AI voice interface

There is something in human psychology that urges us to seek vocal answers to our questions. AI voice interface satisfies the need and may quietly be turning into the primary way people interact with technology. Increasingly intelligent bots do away with the laborious job of manually navigating the way around the pages. Voice search is becoming a part of people’s life. Bots and virtual assistants being available 24/7 have all the potential to make the users’ experience quite efficient and pleasing.

6. VR and AR

Virtual Reality that makes human brain believe that something unreal truly exist and Augmented reality that "integrates" objects of the digital world into the real surrounding of a person can become quite usual things in the nearest future.
Even though VR and AR are nowadays making the first steps, their features seem limitless. The interest to them across industries is strong, to say the least. Experts claim that VR sector is about eight years away from the peak of its growth.

To wrap up

The mentioned above innovative ways to establish online presence are obviously applicable and useful for the most of the industries. The first most sensitive and perceptive one is, no doubt, e-commerce. Google’s dictated rules, being revolutionizing for the web search, depersonalized websites. One-size-fits-all structure did not work out well with e-commerce. Today, almost every website looks the same that does not contribute to the key goal of any business to make the brand unique and instantaneously recognizable.

There are plenty more questions emerging with the evolving changes. Is there any chance that browsing websites may become old-fashioned? Will evolution of the internet interface benefit user experience, and how will it make us feel? How emerging technologies will change the game? There are numerous scenarios for the future of the digital world. But one thing we may be sure of — no matter what changes in the website industry are in store, they will create memorable and enjoyable experiences for the users.

Author's Bio: 

A blogger and marketer. I have my Master's in Marketing.