It was first taught in the western countries some 50 years ago by the maharishi and since then it become much popular due to its many positive results. This particular technique of meditation is not dependent on local values or religion or faith and the political convictions and it can be enjoyed while practicing and a quite place for doing this type of meditation is not necessary as it can be done any where any time to reduce stress and regain vitality. People who are too busy to spare their time can practice Transcendental Meditation in their room, airports, and train stations or in the lobbies. TM technique is a natural and automatic response of mind & body and the process is very easy to carry out in any type of environment.

There have been so many researches carried out on the physiological & psychological effects of Transcendental meditation and they proved that the level of rest a person doing this type of meditation achieves is much deeper than the rest achieved by sleeping and the other important finding is that it produces body responses which are extremely opposite to fight or flight response type of stress. During this meditation the breathing gets slowed down, heartbeat gets shallow, the muscles get relaxed and the blood pressure gets normalized which helps in reducing tension and stress. Many people are not aware of the true potential of TM and they happily dwell on their capability through the limited mental selves. People perpetually look for success, happiness and better living standard and are always eager and lookout for the promises of tomorrow which can bring a more pleasant life.

The Transcendental Meditation helps the practitioner in calming the mind for achieving higher state of consciousness which allows a greater thought flow in their mind. This type of meditation is easy in learning and implementing and does not contain any mental discipline or the mind control and people practicing TM finds the happiness which can be contended for the rest of his/her life.

Author's Bio: 

Michael Adekanmbi With years of experience, Author’s name is an expert in providing the information on various topics like energy work, self-hypnosis, meditation and other healing methods. This renowned personality has studied, practiced and integrated these methods and also has written numbers of articles on such topics. For More Information Please Visit, Transcendental Meditation .